:windows: Desktop

Maybe. I want to say the kind of corruption they do would probably favor US companies.

:windows: Desktop

Yeah, if you’re seeing actual “hate” it’s probably because people remember when the x60 cards were decent value.

Otherwise, I think the right attitude is “Meh. There are better cards for the price range.”

:windows: Desktop

It’s behind AMD cards from last gen and Intel cards that had to have like a thousand driver updates to get where they are though.

That’s not a good place to be.

At least you get more than 8 GB of VRAM on a 6800.


It’s just a joke about where most mammals are classified. Something like 90% of mammals are in 6-7 orders.

That’s why I said technically.

And if there’s one thing libertarians are good at it’s making shit up.



How do you magically grow the economy through investment while punishing consumption? Don’t people need to buy stuff to grow the economy? Don’t you think this will just shift what people who are rich, and who already invest, invest in?

Unless you’re building in cost controls there’s a 0% chance any benefit of UBI isn’t immediately eaten up by price increases.

We literally just went through this. Up to 80% of inflation cost went to corporate profits, and it was largely driven by stimulus.

And nobody is avoiding investing because of taxes. Most investments (other than real estate) aren’t taxed. Profits are.

People don’t invest when they don’t have money to invest, and your system does nothing to address that. It’s just a handout to the people who don’t need handouts.



So you don’t “punish” investment activity. You “punish” people who don’t have money to invest and are just buying what they need to survive.

Gosh, I wonder who such a system would benefit most?

Do you have any idea how high a VAT would need to be to replace income tax and local sales tax (or should that still be added on top)?

You forgot about libertarians.

A lot of them are technically adults.

Stormtroopers in basically any Star Wars game, really.

Just set the marshmallow on fire.

Vanilla flavored napalm will do the trick.

:Seahawks: Seahawks

Fresh vegetables used to be seasonal. A lot of people just got into the habit of eating frozen or canned.

Our parents also had a lot fewer resources for learning to cook if they didn’t learn it from their parents.

They had to actually leave the house to get books or sign up for classes if they wanted to actually see someone do the steps.

They also grew up in the post-war age of mass consumerism when everything was being sold as a solution to make your life simpler. The emphasis was now on convenience over quality.


These seem like the words of someone who can’t do any of these things.

Yeah, the “Obama did war crimes” spiel from conservatives is 100% virtue signaling.

Not only did Trump increase drone strikes, he shut down the minimal accountability and oversight functions Obama had implemented. Journalists had to file FOIA requests and sue the Trump admin to find out how many people we were bombing under Trump.

I like how he implies that Donald Trump did not call white supremacists very fine people.

Millions of incel boners were saved today 🫡

This is the one I immediately thought of.

Carpenter said the movie was received poorly until the Michael Myers theme was added. He might be a little biased though since he did the song too.

:windows: Desktop

I think it’s thermal putty.

“Upsiren U6 Pro” looks just like this stuff.


That video is an hour and 20 minutes long.

:windows: Desktop

People must not have seen the original post. OP did say they got it from a friend, and that’s why they got such a good deal.

If anything, it’s the generosity that’s difficult to believe.

I say good for OP.

False. Cats absolutely suck at being dogs.

You should see them try. Those fucking idiots.

The stupid thing about Helldivers is that there is no PVP so there’s no reason to rebalance.

But since guns all come from passes I guess they don’t want players to feel like they bought the wrong pass and are missing out on the new meta.

So there’s basically zero progression because even as you unlock new guns all the guns end up feeling kind of the same as guns you’ve already unlocked outside of specific use cases.