Wow I couldn’t believe it was the same kitty cat! Gorgeous

The Pirate Movie! Christopher Atkins and Kristy Nichols are super cute but it’s a corny ass movie that I’ll always love

Creamsicle! Your FP is adorable, congratulations

Least favorite is Temple Terrace, we live in Pasco now and love it

Yay! That’s awesome! I will have 6 years on July 21, I can barely believe it but my life is so much better without poison alcohol and yours will be too!!!!!!!

We here at Reddit extend you a THATS FUCKING NICE award!!! Good job 👏

Me too. Very vague and confusing 🫤

Hello Lester! You’re absolutely adorable, thank you for adopting him! Love, FP Chucky 🩵

Clearlake Animal Hospital on Australian Ave is great!

Anything under $20 an hour is a joke. I wouldn’t work for cheap ass people, and don’t worry you’ll find something else!

born in, never believed

Thank you for sharing your story. You’re an awesome dad and I hope your son knows this! My mom woke up when I was 16 years old, and in the years following we went to many concerts together including Metallica, Creed, AC/DC and Queensryche. So happy to have my REAL mom show up in my life after dumping the cult. Much love to all y’all on this sub!

Haha! He’s got 5 other kitties to play with but he loves his momma the most! 😻

Yes! Someone has to make sure the printer doesn’t walk away! Lol

Guided meditation, I use an app called Insight Timer during my lunch break and it helps me reset the day and calm(er)!

Awww that is sooo sweet! He knew his name the second you said it. Cody on the show was the relative (uncle?) who was the goofy guy living in a trailer in the backyard.