Sounds like he was afraid they’d take his job

It was for the smurf berries. Did you know 1 smurf berry can power the school for an entire 2 months?

No one else punishes him for violating gag orders, why would she be the one to actually have to?

Republicans have gotten to mouthy.. many people are saying it, I read it on the internet so it must be true

Honestly, lawyers should be using his treatment as precedence for why their clients should only face a small fine penalty if punished at all for criminal acts

Gobert used to get taken advantage of and played off the floor all the time. It seemed like he improved and the Wolves/Finch defensive scheme allowed for him to be better this year. Then the Mavs came along and were like ‘oh yeah we didn’t forget that you can attack Rudy because he’s a liability on the floor’.

I honestly don’t remember a DPOY (let alone multiple) that consistently got attacked to the point where he would be unplayable.

If they’re too stupid to understand what they’re voting for, then shouldn’t her own election to office be overturned? Just like all the senators and reps saying the 2020 election is invalid because it was rigged and stolen, those elected in 2020 should be invalid as well.

I think I was thinking of stone when I wrote bannon, but yeah they’re all horrible people that have terrible plans for this country.

Wouldn’t be the first time a Trump tried to take credit for what an Obama did

Dray says stupid shit when on podcasts. Remember that PG interview where Dray said he knew how to be a mentor but didn’t know how to be vet but continued on and basically described he didn’t know how to be a mentor either

It may be a lot of money for some of these fines, especially when they start to add up. I think draymond has lost something like 2mil due to fines and suspensions. A small amount compared to what he’s made, but it’s not chump change.

If players were fined like 1k instead of 100k, it wouldn’t serve be much of a punishment. There’s stories of players losing far more than 1k playing cards on the plane.

Players now have an opportunity to earn generational wealth to play a game. Plus, we’ve seen players over the years get away with things that would get fired working a normal job. Dray may have lost more money in one suspension than his momma made in her life, but she’d been job hunting a few times pulling some of the shit Dray has.

“Rudy chokin’ and I ain’t even on the floor” - Draymond maybe

Somebody deserves a 5th DPOY and is massively underpaid and underrated

Again the party of gaslighting and projection. We know Bannon floated the idea of assassinating democratic opposition multiple times. And iirc Bill Barr has stated publicly Trump has proposed killing opponents more than once as well.

Trump doesn’t deserve the easy way out of being killed. His just punishment is being locked up and ridiculed as a loser and criminal for whatever remains of his life.