Man, no one believes Biden is in top shape. What are you, a bot? Welcome to reddit 5883.

Why aren't we talking about the fact that Trump has made career ending moves daily since he became a candidate in 2015, and it just gets reprocessed by this massive reality distortion propaganda machine. This is what happens when that machine becomes self aware and realizes it's power.

That's half of it. The other half is that same machine keeping eyes off Trump and on everything we should be afraid of: immigrants, trans people, atheists, pedophiles, Liberals, etc. etc etc. Fear and hate are control devices.

In this edition of Stating the Obvious, we have more useless and unhelpful blather from unimportant people.

Good lord. It's a song lyric.

If you want to be happy for the rest of your life
Never make a pretty woman your wife
So for my personal point of view
Get an ugly girl to marry you

Right. He's got pipes.

The problem isn't Trump alone. The propaganda machine is unimaginably powerful at this point. 

It has made that and thousands upon thousands of career ending moments just disappear from reality from half of the population.

I watched it. Did you? The thing is it doesn't even matter if we both watched it and have different opinions. The public's confidence in him is demolished. The fact that we are no longer standing on a more or less unified front is plenty enough loss of edge to tank this fight.

Until I see some solid leadership and direction, darn right I'm panicking. 

We're on the cusp of losing our democracy. That is not an exaggeration.

In September? Patching the hull of the Titanic won't do any good when it's on the bottom of the ocean. The candidates have to be locked in by then. 

I'm not saying it's time to panic, but if there was a time, this would be it.

The MAGAs are having their day no matter what for the foreseeable future until god willing we see some life, direction and unity in democratic leadership.

One bad debate could un-hyperbolically trigger one of those earth shattering events. Trump has openly promised wrath and retribution and this isn't like his first presidency where he had some checks and balances.

This sums it up. I don't see any ideal solution, but clearly they don't have a plan either because the one where Biden stays is not being played out even remotely correctly.

I'm pulling my hair out screaming into the void terrified every day since the debate. The democratic party has no fucking clue what it's doing. Almost everybody but the Biden team says drop, the Biden team says "No". Our Democracy is sinking and we just have to sit here and watch it.

I've heard about this before but I feel like there may be more to the story. Sega CD had been out since '91. PlayStation didn't hit the market till '94. Music CDs came out in '82. Sony must have known CDs were big well before then.

That's a cool fact.

One of my proudest HS nerd moments: I scrapped together a working version of pong with a scoreboard, two controllable paddles and a 'ball' with variable direction in about 30 minutes in Visual Basic 6 in class one day. We spent the rest of the day having a pong tourney till the instructor finally popped out of his office and broke us up.

If you're going post a gif that moves at 4/fpm, the payoff better be a whole lot better than this.

I watched some of the video (noticing the nips, yes of course) and moved on to see what part of her performance was unforgettable. I didn't have time to sit through the whole video, so I thought I'd head to the comments to get the summary....

You bunch of delinquents. Is that really all that was unforgettable about her 'performance'?

This is assuming logic and sound strategy, something the DNC has failed at horrifically since 2016.

I would love to think so, but it feels more like open dissent and chaos. These folks are as unsteady and scared as we are and are just openly voicing their thoughts at this point. I guess we'll find out which it is, but that's where I'd place my money.

Since when does Trump or the republican party run on any kind of logic or consistency?

They've always been inept. They tanked Bernie Sander's chances in favor of Hillary Clinton the first time Trump won. They suck!