No use for it.

Harder to hit heads with it than run and gunning with a phantom :/

What you mean aiming???

If you're moving, spread will increase.

Nothing else bro

Also don't spam the shoot button, and strafe while shooting

Maybe deadzoning is useful for this?






brain has stopped responding. Restart?


Unable to restart


The caca💀

With the Bucky, just aim at around chest level and shoot. If most of you pellets hit the enemy should die

If youre aiming at the head, most pellets will miss, so maybe you'll need 2 shots

Idk how you can't kill ppl in one shot, it's something I never had to learn. Maybe ping? I have 6-10 ping. Maybe high ping is the issue

Amazingly explained

What a chad

"This is a game. Have fun."

That's what I tell myself every time I go triple negative🤣


Cyphers weakness is that without his utility, he is nothing. All of his util can be shot down, and cannot be gotten back( except his tripwires, they regenerate.)

( Cam regens, not trips sorry)

Iso has a shield that allows him to tank one instance of damage( a headshot, an op shot, one tick of Molly damage, a pistol shot, etc)

It's super strong in the sense that he gets an advantage in fights, as he takes a second longer to kill with his shield on.

His main ability plays a 1 second animation and activates, while also playing a sound cue for the enemy team. After activation, the ability will last for 20 seconds, then it will run out and the ability is no longer available. He can get a new shield and rewind the timer by getting a kill and shooting an orb that appears over an enemies head after he kills them.( Iso can only have one shield, no stacking.)

This makes iso a super strong 1v1 machine, even able to tip 1v2s in his favour( also, in a one headshot kill game, this is super broken against skilled players)

Seriously, a good cypher player means that enemies will never go to your site, as they are straight up too fucking scared

Just make sure you always set up in the same site, and only switch sites if you KNOW the enemies are going to the opposite site.


Did you like playing Blackbeard in his meta? If so, play iso.

Also based on the last paragraph, I'd say you will like playing cypher

Cypher has a camera, 2 tripwires, and 2 "cages"( they act like smokes, and have a sound cue when an enemy enters or exits it, but otherwise acts like a smoke that can be thrown. 

His camera can be placed on most walls, can turn 180 degrees, has a left click the shoots a tracking dart that leaves a silhouette behind walls, and shows up on your mini map. 

His trip wires can be placed almost anywhere as long as there are 2 surfaces for it to stick to. Enemies will hear the wire when they are very close to it, and when they step in it, they will be stunned and can be seen through walls( very good if they're behind a smoke, as you can shoot through the smoke and kill them.

All of cyphers utility can be shot down, and his trips and camera can be picked up and reused after a certain amount of time.

Cypher is super strong now, and can hold down an entire site alone. Go watch some guides for cypher cages and trips on YouTube ( preferably for every single map, take your time to learn each one. If it helps, when you play a game, you can pull up a setup guide for that map, and watch it between rounds.)

Ignore it, I can't explain it either lol

They're probably still living in 2020( and in their mom's basement)

Honestly both games are shit, I would rather play Helldivers 2( If I had money to spare🫠)

I just play scp: sl

Practice deadzoning, then tap strafing.

Or just tell yourself "if I move while shooting I'm gay" and have someone watching for you. 

Unless you're gay, then I can't do much for you🤣🤣🤣

I'd say 30 is a good number, but it can be adjusted.

There is a similar RR system right now, but it ramps up much slower.(The double rank up)

Also its pretty easy to just not play properly against higher elos and smurf the next game.

There is no true fix to this issue, as it's an issue of morality. And valorant players have no morality, so smurfing is no issue to them.

Honestly is just take it as a chance to see how I can improve, I usually call suspected smurfs out for a 1v1, and just try to have fun( I mean it's the entire fucking point of playing a video game)


Only use red aoq, without the red ability, its pretty bad.

I also don't like how there is a limit to kingdom credits, at a max of 10k, I can't get more than one character. 

This system encourages constant playing, and it's...kinda shit. Sadly, it is what it is😔

My brother. 

The kingdom credits are free. 

The 3500 is the clove spray before the kingdom credits. 

It's pretty telling what kind of person you are seeing as you made a Reddit post crying about a system that's not the best, but not the worst, when you should have taken some time to actually look at the system before making a post.( You made yourself look stupid bro I ain't even kidding😭)(I do find that the chapter 2 agent gear is quite pricey)

I'm just working on my basics now, I think now is a good time to get better as the enemies are all super good, and it'll be easy to tell if I'm getting better.

Tracker is ferna8397A#fern if y'all are interested 


I dropped to bronze 1, I was doing poorly already (enemies hit my head faster than I can hit theirs + I'm not the best at entry fragging) so I was sorting of middle of the board, but can at least help my team. Then I get 2 bad game back to back( one I had 3 ppl on and off afk, next game had a( I assume) smurf team)

That's an immortal kinda thing, killing before your movement stops.

Maybe try to focus on their head and don't panic. When I peek, I tell my self that even if I peek into 5 players, I will still get at least 1.( It works lmao)

Have you tried burst strafing? It works sometimes