Enjoy Baldur's Gate. A good game is a good game, with our without graphics.

Du borde hinna. Men om tåget är sent så är det kört, då får du ta nästa buss

How about making the dish normally the night before and enjoying it while making dip out of the sauce. Cook the sauce down and finish with some sour cream or creme fraiche. Add lemon juice, cheese, bits of chicken from the dish or bacon, etc... Depending on where you want to go with it.

:flag-se: Sweden

I have seen this in my store (Sweden) but I had no idea it was this popular in Sctoland. I'll have to give it a shot

That's a family heirloom right there

He is coming out with selected ambient works 2 this fall

I started watching frieren right after i finished the manga. Felt appropriate

Reminds me of that guy who found out on camera that snapchat like stores everything... Proceeds to get canceled later lol

I have nothing constructive to say, im just here for the forsen thread

Well if he is printing money, more power to him. Wish he would do more movies like Sicario though, that stuff is my jam.

Skaffa en powerbank för 200kr, det är värt

A subreddit to ask engineers questions, not to ask doctors questions. He is not seeking medical advice for an extremely rare condition you know fuck all about. Respectfully, check yourself.

Sorry you have to deal with people giving shit medical advice. Next time it's probably good to be up front with that and explaining your condition a bit clearer to avoid worse quality answers.

It truly boggles the mind how these actors will play out their characters

I'm late to this AMA, just wanted to say your new album is really nice. Never heard of you guys before, keep it up!