Give the rich ultimate power, politicians immunity to consequence, and take everyone's money just because!

90% of the time all this is satire. The other 10% are Kick streamers.

Season one was insanely slow, season two took two years, and is also insanely slow. I hope it picks up a lot this season or I'm no longer going to watch it unfortunately.

People are still trying to high road this position. The POTUS has a duty to protect this country, and what Republicans are doing is a massive national security breach.

It's the logic of being attacked by a murderer... Do you defend yourself and kill them first, or do you let them kill you because killing is bad, and you don't want that on your dead mind?

Except, it affects literally everybody in the entire free world.

This is the headline that needs to be seen across the world. Republicans should also fear this ruling.

Democrats need to stop taking the moral high ground, and actually stop the country from being destroyed. It's like you're being murdered, but you don't want to kill the killer because killing is bad.

SCOTUS is a national security threat, has just made the US a communist country, and the people now have more to fear than ever before.

Even the Republican people can't be dumb enough to not see the threat. A Trump appointed SC just made Joe Biden immune to everything. Does this not scare Republicans? It scares me as a democratic.

Is this sub entirely a joke sub? Or is this low effort bs always here?

Still better than bing unfortunately... I like bing rewards though.

Soccer is such a joke lol

EverQuest Online Adventures is in my top 3 games of all time. Aside from the pure scale of the game, the lighting, and the difficulty, the best part was meeting up with random people organically. Randomly grouping up with people to explore, or to clear a path through a mountain together was epic. Games just don't do this anymore. A lot of people say it's just a nostalgia trip, and at first I would sort of agree.. until New World came out.

I haven't had an organic player/community interaction in years prior to New World release. Randomly grouping up with people to do quests for a war, taking out dumbass bears, and just talking in town was amazing. But the flaws eventually killed that vibe for everyone.

The truth is that AI will be used as tools, and will/have take over a lot of jobs. People will need to adjust to the existence of this tech, similar to what tv repair men had to do years ago.

The only doc that suggests getting a prostate examine under 18.

I hate when it always says "war crime".. it's the same as the UN saying this war needs to stop. Nobody is going to do anything about war crimes, the same as the UN can't stop a war.

NATO needs to drop the gentleman act, and actually start muscling these terrorists.

People in here are like..."we need the logs".. read the tweet, what more do you want lol.

Dell customer support are contracted people that make $10 an hour, have no tech background, and have training from the early 00s. Dell has held up its image of being the worst tech customer service company of all time.

People take this shit way too seriously... So can a skinny guy not like a big girl because he's on a diet? Stfu

It blows my mind the stupidity people have today, and I see this shit that happened not long ago. I think I expect too much from society. Racial and religious beef is so fucking stupid.