I agree, downvoting on reddit is honestly a joke.

Don't get me wrong, sometimes they are warranted, but most of the time, they're just people being a-holes.

Amazon will cancel your account if you do that tho.

Let us know if he actually receives this and everything was okay. I honestly have gotten some great deals off Amazon

Never know what the situation is... maybe they just was broke as f and needed a hand.

Maybe they just wanted a weird way to meet someone.

Maybe a kid did it.

Maybe there blind and didn't see it.

Who knows.

Looks good, really. Honestly, a clearer picture could help if it really is much different. A flatiron would help because hers is straight. Which is the general advice I'm seeing here, and I agree.

I'm gonna be getting the ultra with my tax refund. I'm not sure if I want to risk getting it from Google. Although I do love the price. But... I can get the same price from Samsung by trading in my old device.

It's just that I'm not sure I want to part with my old device. I'd kinda like to keep it as a backup ... I would 100% get my device from Google and keep my old device if I trusted them, but I see so much bad stuff happen to people. I'm a little scared. I don't normally have this kinda of cash to spend all at once and don't have enough credit to get anything on credit.

The phone I have now was bought the same way. All at once with tax money.

Not even sure they will still have that deal by the time the money posts either.

Also if s24 is already out why does it take so long to get and why is it pre order. Does Google fi just not have it yet? Because I seen at&t has it already.

I've noticed that this picture is making a comeback. People are posting it as if it's new.

The sad thing in this is Hannah was the victim.

She dated the guy first. He was abusive and beat on her and went to jail for it. She left him.

He got with someone new who he then married. His new wife then went and made the signs and put them up to slander. Hannah and she too was arrested for it and went to jail.

Remember, you cannot believe everything you read. Do research for yourself. In this case, go to Google taipan, Hannah home wrecker Billboard and you will find the whole story. In multiple places.

Actually hannah didn't do a crappy thing. Hannah was the victim in this a hundred percent. She dated the guy first. He abused her beat the crap out of her she left him. He then goes gets with this new chick. They get married and the new chick goes and puts these signs up to slander. Hannah and went to jail for it. You can't always believe everything that you read. If you wanna read the whole story, go to Google in type in Hannah, home wrecker Billboard story and you'll find a couple of news articles. With the whole story

In fact that was the case she was the victim. Go to Google and look up Hannah home wrecker. Billboard and you'll find the whole story. She dated the guy first he abused her. She left him he got married with this new chick. Then this new chick put these signs up and went to jail for it


She was the victim. This is an old story at least 3 years old. hannah dated the guy first. She suffered abuse from him. He used to beat on her. And was arrested. He then got with this other chick who He ended up marrying. Then she went and put up these signs to slander hannah. The wife was arrested. i'm not sure about the guy.

Go to Google Type in hannah homewrecker billboard to see the whole story.


Funny. Because until like a week ago, I was paying premium... they upped the prices and made what I was paying have ads. So because they decided to do that I now have to pay more. $2.99 more. Which might not seem like much nit all the streaming channels are doing this, so if you pay for multiple channels, that starts to add up. (Not to mention all the movie channels that people may have added on. And audible, etc....) I'm just saying... when streaming started, the appeal to it was no commercials. So everyone started to switch. And now that cable/satellite TV is starting to tank, they are moving the ads to the streaming services, which Is bs. I get why people pirate.

Most services we pay for now have ads. I pay for Prime, who just added ads. I paid for Disney, who decided to add ads. I mean, one of the biggest incentives to move from cable to online streaming was no ads. Then cable/satellite TV tanks due to online streaming, so they move the ads to the service we're currently using. Even tho we switched in the first place due to ads. It's a never-ending cycle and one of the main reasons people start to pirate their shows.

You don't know if they are a kid or not. Honestly, you're making assumptions. You know nothing about the poster.

" The device demonstrated in this video is called the LaserCube and is essentially a compact projector that can create images, text, and even animations, using a laser light source. At just shy of $1,000, the least expensive version of the LaserCube isn’t exactly cheap (how many thousand dollar devices do you really want to strap to your bike?) "

I agree it should be free, not just a fee trial. It is one of the "perks" I am currently enjoying. Since I'm still in my one year.

But also, you have to understand Google is such a big company that they don't really care if people throw a fit and say, "Give me this, or I'm leaving. They just like "bye Felicia" ... with litterly 0 sweat off there backs. It's been a long while since any company actually caved to the do this or I'm leaving thing.

They have tons of customers and for every one they lose they gain back somewhere else. I promise they really don't care. And by they I mean pretty much all big corporations.

Whatever you do, DO NOT activate full speed @ $10 per gig.

I did this, and my bill was more than double what I paid for multiple lines.

Within the first two minutes, AFTER TETHER WAS TURNED OFF, I only went to one webpage, and they had already charged me for 3gbs. It was hell fighting with customer service explaining that there was absolutely no way possible. I used that much data within 2 mins of having it activated. I had to jump through hoops and send in multiple screenshots. Then log into the incognito browser and take more screenshots (which showed 0 usage)

For then, to agree to credit it back to my account. The kicker, tho. It was on NEXT month's bill, so I still had to lay double phone bill to keep my service on, then wait for it to be credited back to me. Which is such bs.

Also, after it started charging me like crazy I told them to turn it off. They said they couldn't until my bill cycle renewed.

So if you activate it, you can't shut it off.

This is a bad idea. Because ONE person holds all the power in the group.

Like my husband and I are on a plan together. Under his name. I have to have his phone in order to change anything. I have no power on my own plan.

If that one person don't pay the bill all service gets shut off.

If one person don't pay there half the rest will have to order serve will get shit off. This Is a very bad idea.

I asked them that myself. Why don't they just pay to fix them. They said not worth their time. To them, it's just business. They have stock they can't sell broken, so they mark it way down. After it's fixed, I just take them back and re-sell them. They don't care that I bought it broken for cheap. As long as it's not broken when I'm selling it to them. They treat it as two separate transactions. To them, they don't care that I bought it from there. They go by the value of the machine and what they would have given anyone that walked in with it if it had no problems.

Plus iv been doing business therebawhile they know me by now lol

They never read my instructions either.

I live in an apartment, tho. I put do not ever leave package if no one answers they will get stolen. Have contacted support multiple times over this. Even requested all my packages get signed for.

Even leave a note with big clear righting (in multiple languages) that say do not just sit packages down and leave. Ring the doorbell. Knock extremely loud (normally someone's home at all times).

What's Amazon do. Sit the package by the door, not even bother to knock or ring the doorbell. Occasionally, one may lightly knock, but I have a doorbell because if you are in any room other than the living room, it's impossible to hear the door if you don't bang like the police.

I have only ever had one driver (which was an overnight delivery, and the poor girl was waring house shoes and stepped in the biggest puddle I felt so bad). Who followed my instructions.

She went above and beyond and messaged me through chat (instead of ringing the doorbell because it was 5am and she didn't want to wake the whole household. Because my instructions said multiple times, do not just sit outside and leave.

She waited in her vehicle and messaged me to come out and get my package because she didn't want to wake the whole house by banging loud or ringing the doorbell.

(She stepped in the puddle stepping out of her vehicle she didn't see it. I felt so horrible. It was so cold outside and now she had a soaked foot to work with for her kindness and following instructions. That about the way life goes I guess. I still feel bad for her.)

I gave her every complemt review possible. She was a rock star and one in a million.

Does it cause issues? My husband switch from Nvidia to Radeon and has had nothing but issues.