Look at the bright side, you'll be the 11th prettiest woman in the whole cell block!

Ed played a huge role in developing Carol, who in turned saved everyone multiple times.

Gotta love that an untrained housewife hit a dead on mortar shot with zero experience.

That's carol shit.

I agree. I did it once and it was incredible but now I'm a dad so I had to not do it lmao.

Hopefully one day shroomies will be legalized.


They're carbon cutouts of one another, but objectively, they're hot.


Everyone should be paranoid as hell once in their life.

Already 100% disabled, gonna smoke weed on my couch and watch the gameplay.

SIFU was my Pick.

It's a super fun game but goddamn if it's not as frustrating as screwing in a light bulb with oven mitts on.

I dropped an Original copy of the first Madden on NES underneath the tatami floor of my okinawan house.

One day I imagine construction guys find it and it becomes a relic.

State of Decay 2.

It's allows me to just kinda escape into a world of zombies and people helping eachother out (or not).

You get less attention than the people in the background of a wheres Waldo book.

Aaron telling Lydia "You are so love, lydia" before amputation her arm hits HARD.

It's all Lydia's ever wanted to hear

I have an anxiety disorder which literally effects my limbs (conversion disorder, fully diagnosed medically)

I'm going out first HOUR

In techschool to be a mechanic we had to listen to the guy who was crushed in the flaps of the aircraft and was only being kept alive hy the pressure.

He was on his way to a new base but came in to just lend a hand.

We had to hear him saying goodbye to his wife and kids before they release the flap and killing him.

It's the hardest listen I've ever had.

I came across this in-game and had to pause it show my wife and tell your story.

She lost her dad to and it was such a special moment to see her smiling about a story that's so personal.

Sorry for you loss, but glad you have your own special way to honor him.

Charles Haley would have the scariest social media presence of all time.

At least you'd give a blind guy a good story when he rubs his hand across your face and reads the Braille you've had impacted into your face.

The fact that man is breathing speaks to your restraint as a parent. I can't imagine going through what you did, bless you and hope your son lives a long happy life and that dudes ends very soon.