Honestly idk enough and probably downloaded it sort of in rage and emotion. I downloaded it off their website I found another Reddit thread to that and just started reading someone else who had a relating problem and was hoping 4 the best.

Hey I really appreciate the details comment. But I accepted defeat as I waited for someone like you to save me! Bless you! Decided to play with the led lights on the keyboard settings and it bricked out on my completely. Am now emailing support and looking at just replacing it honestly. I’m a novice and all this is so new to me. Thank you for your detailed response and advice beautiful stranger if I can manage to get the keyboard working again I’ll definitely try to fix it!

You are not responsible for anyone’s fun but your own. So have as much fun as possible and don’t let toxicity get in the way of that.

I have been checking the stake nearby the mohg boss and I cannot find anyone

Maybe you deserve it I had some pretty shitty teachers while I was In school and lashed out whenever they were losing my assignments and homework. Are you actively doing your job well maybe it’s time for some self reflection to determine if this kid is actually mad at you over something you did.

Yeah man if that’s how you feel dude wait for all the seasons to be out and give the show another go. No reason to rack your brain on something you can’t get answers outta if you need them so badly.

Show is written by the guys who made lost. The questions are basically the answers. Take it at face value and enjoy the ride or get off. That’s my advice. If you don’t like not knowing the guys who made lost aren’t about to give us any answers.

I only want to comment on one thing #4 who knows what they are but the marine in the early part of season 2 mentioned it’s only the “tip of the spear” implying more is to come and the monsters are not the biggest problem they face.

I recommend trying all the killers I have 1500 hours started before ST got pulled and I actually have gone through phases. Started with bubba, moved on to doctor, demo wraith hag as a new player then as I went up in skill and game sense I started playing more skill heavy killers “ clown, blight, pin head, Oni and learning all the killer powers. With this idea as a whole I can learn how to counter play the killers as well then started more challenging killer powers like blight and nurse. As I’ve grown playing the game I now really enjoy playing sadako after her rework. She was really bad on release. I also am a big fan of saw movies can’t go wrong with the pig, but after playing ptb I really want to go through my Chucky phase, I look forward to playing him on the 28th.

TLDR Play all the killers and you will either find a one trick to play all the time or maybe you will be like me and play all the killers occasionally.

I ain’t reading all that but take my upvote so we can get more engineers on the field

Sharks with fricken laser beams on their heads

But it’s a teaser of things to come so aka frying pan is coming

Are you sure that’s not bulletproof brother the twin brother?

I have a particularly explosive ejaculate. It just goes everywhere. It's like a fuckin' wild fireman's hose - you just got to grab on and pray to God it doesn't get into your eyes or your mouth.

Half of these sound like advanced slurs

Rule one of the subreddit is no spoilers. Posting whole transcripts that’s spoilers.

No one has said Rick Ross or young thug cmon guys

Zoom in on his fingers. Imagine getting a soggy wet Willy from those bad boys.