We need another lose event like Chapter 2 Season 8 or Chapter 3 season 4

This is Francy Artist controversy for gladiator Collete skin all over again

The Amount of Zombies, And Worms I've heard if anything trump and biden have the worms joe can't speak and trump can't tell the truth

''Wow :0 how could I have not have realized that he's saying all this wow I should've really believed you'' Not, look he's the better option rather than the two presidents who will blow the lid on democracy because it's a game of who's better for those two, the debate was pure garbage for Reps and Dems yet Kennedy did "The Real Debate" which is him actually discussing the issues of this nation and answering the questions trump and Biden didn't want to answer or shadowed over to argue over

I want you to see all his policies and tell me what strikes you as the villain in this

He's not even saying conspiracy things seriously where the hell are you hearing this fox news?

He's not, He's trying to please both ends rather than making one more mad although for Trump it's a never abort and for Biden it's abort whenever you want I guess can't really say since he Just gave every state if they want to do it or not

Yeah Ik you replied to my comment and yes I am fine I'm asking a very simple question yet you dodge it, Why?

Thought's on RFK, I just really want to hear your opinions on him tbh since you sound very Maga

That's why you should vote for RFK

Reuniting a Fallen Kingdom

He's trying to bridge the gap between the reds and blues as he's the yellow in between and despite what everyone here says about them they get their news from the red side propaganda and blue side propaganda and assume he's a villian because he sides with this person despite him not siding with any of them as he's anti Abortion but wants to make where if the fetus isn't developed to far it can but if it's developed enough then you can't and wants to make US have Universal Healthcare as we'll

He removed the sin of gluttony from her

I'm pretty sure she got pardon from Geeta and a detention at from Principle Calv

You know what would be crazy if they actually fought and turned the battle in their favor