I agree, there was no evidence he was trans, so he tricked a bunch of adults into covering up rapes just by wearing a skirt.

I'm a lifelong democrat idk why you're talking about Ben Shapiro. I told Justice Scalia to "eat shit" to his face, so I'm not reading the rest of your drivel.

So we're funding RATHEON C suites who employ people almost exclusively in the upper quintile and are war profiteers, instead? Good argument against an argument no one was making, two swings and a miss in a row!

That's not how collective systems can function. You don't opt out of it to do something that benefits you more, personally, at the expense of others.

Yeah but all of the dogshit Drake songs have teh same, which astounds me.

do teenagers really just have shitty drake fake autotune RnB as their "bangers"? That's just ... really sad. I feel very bad for them.

Giving everyone the ability to churn out nonsense music has not been the revolution folks thought it would be. Having some barriers to entry and gatekeeping actually preserves quality, who knew

It was a massive story spanning months with dozens of results on just "trans loudon county", I don't think the existence of this event is under contention.

And to reiterate my point, yes, just on the thought/assumption this person was trans, they made herculean efforts to cover it up, even going so far as to arrest the father when he found out they were attempting to not even inform the family. So, the fact that he was, indeed "just a guy in a skirt" makes this even worse and further strengthens my point.

What I wouldn't do for some ancient Roman or Spartan porn portraying very heterosexual entanglements between very straight men

If having sex with them makes me gay, sign me up for the homo hayride

Correct, but everyone assumed he was trans and went to extreme lengths to not hold him accountable because they thought he was, so his grade-school level trickery worked on dozens of adults in positions of authority.

I told Justice Antonin Scalia to "eat shit" on an 11th grade field trip to meet Justice Antonin Scalia in 2007.

The way gen Xers tell me about their youth, their nights entailed riding around, smoking blunts, catcalling and mooning people around town

"I've never been more certain of anything in my life"

There was a trans guy who raped and sodomized multiple women in high school over in Loudon County VA and the school was trying to cover it up and not give punishment because ... trans .... dad came in furious they tried to cover it up and they arrested the dad, not the trans rapist.

EDIT: Not "actually" trans (?) but everyone assumed he was trans and went to extreme lengths to not hold him accountable because they thought he was trans. So his grade-school level trickery worked on dozens of adults in positions of authority.


I can see someone referring to a 17 year old as "child" in very generic colloquial terms ... but for science ..... 16 and 17 year olds are not "children" by anyone's definition, not even up for debate.

That's not what the person was saying at all. They were all in on "ruining your hardwood floor, reason or not, doesnt matter, because wholesome memories". Now we are goalpost moving into someone with those hard wood floors also not having a single bit of concrete anywhere outside.

Just let people comment, you don't have to dictate how others comment.

I cannot believe Im talking about not skateboarding on hardwood floors inside.

Go outside, you cant just wholesome-thot your way out of common sense.

Wait until I explain that a soldier is not calling the shots for geopolitical maneuvering.

Democrats historically don't try to use the rules as a "rules for thee, but not for me" in the same way conservatives historically have done. The whole reason this is called out is because Republicans are notorious for following the rules if they happen to win by the rules, then tossing the board when they lose according to those rules. It was always worsened by the fact that Republicans tried to create a narrative of being for family values, doing the right thing, being religious and therefore good people, all sorts of lip service to make it seem as if Republicans are the reasonable adults in the room and Democrats are just those wild radicals. Now, when the truth comes out and you can just wiki all of this stuff and see it all together, the overall conservatives strategy starts to become more obvious.

You've got a party based on this strategy, so this is why people are so shocked when they do even 1% of "the right thing": https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern_strategy

Soldier - An enlisted person or a noncommissioned officer.

Soldier - One who serves in an army. (Notice army is not capitalized, meaning any branch of any force for any country).

Balzy for you to try to double down on something you're so wrong about. Did you really not know that soldier is a generic term that applies to soldiers in the army, navy, air force, and every other branch? No one capitalized anything, so idk what the confusion is.

Furthermore, none of this is even in the same ballpark or even the same game as "soldier" vs "politician". Keep it together, keep it focused, don't tilt.