F23. Finished my masters & now PhD SECURED!! After monthsss of waiting and thousands of prayers wishing for ONE thing and ONE thing only, when all hope was lost, I GOT IN!!!!!

Thanks to everyone who posted/commented on this sub this admissions cycle, without knowing it, you were all my rock as I read these posts and waiting in angst with you.

Wishing you the best of luck <3

omg im looking up gender reveal ideas.. instead of gender reveal it has to be PhD reveal to my parents and siblings.. i could cry..

Can we go to brae ben golf course for fun or we need to golf?

i always see it and it reminds me of the teletubbies over the hills and far away. I wana climb it and check out the sunset, can we go or need to pay or something?

it was kinda dumb the first week i got it, so many matches but no one was actually serious, they’d get bored of u asking proper marriage questions and stop replying. however a week and a few days later i actually found my fiancé on it and he’s truly the best. he was the only guy who matched my seriousness about marriage and his effort to make it work and get parents involved was so admirable .

i agree the Ahulal Bayt are extremely important and i am sure that no Sunni can dare disrespect them . i just need to do more research to see what Sunni school of thought thinks about it and compare it to Shi’i

Thanks so much for ur reply. I have taken this into consideration

thanks for ur taking ur valuable time and replying very kindly. the points u made are really worth pondering upon and ill be reflecting on them more as time goes on.

Few questions i have….from an interested SunniQuestion / Help

Salam. I’ve been doing a lot of research because I don’t want to be ignorant and want to understand my Shia brothers n sisters. After a few months of digging here are some questions i have. U rly don’t have to answer all, just any u know:

1) How can the imams (12) be “infallible” when we explicitly know that nobody humans beside the prophet are perfect ? 2) How are Ahlul Bayt different than Ahlul Sunnah when Ahlul Bayt are also the people who follow the Sunnah? it doesn’t make sense to me to separate the Sunnis into Ahlul Sunnah when it’s Fard for all muslims to be people who follow Sunnah 3) Where in the Quran does it explicitly say there will be 12 imams ? I notice a lot of the Sunni claims are explicitly backed up in the Quran whereas Shia ones are more ambiguous and up for debate 4) Where’s the evidence to pray with your hands by ur side instead of on your chest? 5)Why hate Aisha (Astaghfirullah) when she was loved by the Prophet PBUH & chosen for him by Allah SWT? Isnt it impermissible to do such a thing


thank u☺️☺️🧘‍♀️

i wrote this comment around 4 months ago & forgot about it. im happy to hear that u think this way too. the peace u get from sitting back and leaving everything to Allah instead of forcing situations is so beautiful.. it’s unmatched. someone’s rude to u? let them. someone’s not answering u? let them. someone doesn’t see ur worth? let them. If you 'let them,' people will then reveal who they truly are, and, when they reveal who they truly are to you, you now know what you can choose next that's right for you.

omg try orajel !! it works instantly

:pk: Pakistan

omg 😂 why is that so so cute

i get no ice in it because then they put less liquid, so it was a piece of a hairnet

this is phenomenal, youre so inspiring to all those who look like your “before”

2! 2 is minimum and no u don’t have to sleep before

:pk: Pakistan

it’s always hilarious to me that when Pakistanis get religiously discriminated abroad they go cry about it but in their own country they are terrorizing and committing mob violence against minority Christians all the time. (Not to say ALL pakistanis but the ones that ARE doing it would be the same people who would cry if they were discriminatedwhule in the West)

:pk: Pakistan

i can sing along to all of them word for word 😳. i’ve only started learning arabic about 1 month ago and songs have started to make sense, but i’d say it’s 99% for melody and cause they’re so good