Always try to be nice, never fail to be kind

It bums me out how many people these days live by the opposite of that and really want everyone else to be the same, but for the all the bitterness and cynicism I might harbor I still hold fast that those are words to live by. There's just no reason to treat other people like crap. Kindness should be the default. 

I wanted to be a writer since I was 8 years old. I let other people convince me to go to school to become a vet since I was so dedicated to the animals I raised in 4H. Ten years and a bachelors later, I'm working in a vet office and desperately want to hit the redo button. I want to be a screenwriter. 

I was so disappointed going through Downtown Disney a few months back. It is nothing like what it used to be. It's just rows upon rows of the same t shirts and backpacks themed to different lines. There's so little variety and you're right none of it looks remotely worth what they're asking. It seems tailored to super fan collectors who want one of every backpack or cup they come out with. I remember finding the Hidden Mickey guide for sale in World of Disney, and I've bought a new edition copy every time it comes out. They now sell almost no Disney related books in the store. 

Get off social media and start talking to other people your age. I'm approaching 30 and I promise you absolutely no one in their 20s, let alone at 18, has anything figured out. Yeah some people get good jobs or know what they wanna do in school or jump on a path and stick with it and it works for them. But a lot of those people still aren't 100 percent happy and sure what they wanna do in their life, they're just doing what works. And ain't nobody making no $35/hour that isn't working for daddy's company. 

I just got a Shiny Basculin while hunting for a Shiny Finizen in one of the mass outbreaks. I think all of my luckiest are in SV cause they're so unexpected. I found a Shiny Seviper in a bush, I had to do a double take. I'll just be wandering around at high speed, you really gotta keep your eyes peeled once you have the Shiny charm.

In Pokémon GO I did a Tapu Bulu raid at Disneyland, and it was Shiny. I was standing in the crowd for a parade and loudly gasped lol.

A year and a half is pretty solid notice, but only if you take advantage now and start saving and planning. If you're stuck in the same rut you're in not saving any money that deadline will come up quick and hard. Where is your partner's finances in all this? Presuming you'll be moving out together, figuring out what you both can change to get where you need to be (whether it's getting another job or changing jobs, pursuing raises or promotions, contributing more to a shared savings) you might not have to change as much if you're sharing the burden. You already have a leg up on a lot of people by having someone else to work this out with. 

It's that time of year HBO has to remind people what their deal is.

My coworker brought it up and started asking everybody's age and what socks they wear. I dont know where the meme started or how she came across it

All of the ones I have. My oldest legit copy is Platinum, and I'm on a quest to replay and 100 percent to the best of my ability with what event Pokemon I got at the time and what games i have to trade with. I was able to complete roughly 85 percent of both gen 4 and 5, Gen 6 is the first National Pokedex I can actually complete. My goal is to then transfer anything I need into Home and have a complete National Form Dex to display there. It's quite the undertaking, I've been putting a minimum of 500 hours into each game so far. 

The point of doing it in high school was supposed to be so you do it on your own in every day life. The one thing I'm really glad about continuing my education is that it's not lost on me the things you learn in school are actually meant to apply to everyday life. I can't believe the number of people around me who took their degree and immediately forgot everything and are satisfied being a certified dumbass the rest of their lives with no need for math, reading or listening comprehension, or remembering anything past breakfast that morning.

Also I know it's been pointed out a million times but putting a bunch of stickers on your car that inadvertently advertise private details about your life (your family members, the schools your kids go to, your hobbies that make your routine seem fairly obvious) is terrible idea. 

I've learned over the years (i.e. my whole life) that "why don't you...etc" is one of the worst ways to phrase advice and it's a habit to break if you catch yourself doing it. It leaves the advice open for there to many answers as to why someone wouldn't or can't follow that advice, yet also sounds like judging them for not having thought of or done it already. 

Oh wow I always assumed it was in regards to spiking drinks. Never even thought of that especially when it's easy to get around other words by adding enough extra letters or symbols to get past the censor.

Agreed. I don't really have the instinct for experimenting with these builds themselves, but the Tera Raids have given me a much larger appreciation for how to go about building Pokemong especially ones I wouldn't use otherwise, and I've been applying what I learned to playthrough of older games too. I'm glad they make sure you can't just keep using the same Iron Hands or Azumarill builds from early raids, and seem to specifically counter for common strategies in order to be actually challenging this long after the games came out. 

This was my favorite part of the whole game. The whole sequence in Area Zero is amazing and took my opinion on the game from up in the air to singing it's praises, but ending it with the song from the trailers just felt so wholesome and special. The song is alright for what it is, I just really enjoyed the surprise, and it's given me a larger appreciation for the franchises overall musical choices in the last several years (i.e. hiring Toby Fox and the all of the artist collaborations they've done for various projects)

I have the opposite issue, I know someone who is positive and hunky dory about everything no matter how poorly it's clearly going. Like please just be honest that things are bad today and we can all laugh about it. Laughing at the darkness is much better than pretending there isn't a problem in my eyes. 

Correct me of I'm wrong, but doesn't the DLC work the same way it did in SwSh where you don't need it to be able to bring the Pokemon into the game? Like you could trade for Clefable or transfer it from another game via HOME?

It was mildly funny and I'm fine with it becoming a meme. The posts about her "handling her fame" are some of the most obnoxious yet typical internet bs I've ever seen. It's no wonder everybody will do really dumb crap to get their 15 minutes thinking someone will hand them a check for "going viral" cause it low-key happens every once in a while cause of the way some people cash in on what the internet collectively finds humorous. And then of course it's stops being funny because of all that.

It's a travesty. I collected every single guidebook since Platinum. They were wonderful and I had hoped to have a full collection to pass on to my kids one day. They're a wealth of colorful information about the games, the various data charts are so useful, and I just really liked them. Was so disappointed when they were discontinued after SwSh

I hate how many Pokemon who can have a word in their own Pokedex entry but I'm not allowed to name it that. There are so many Weed Pokemon or Waterweed Pokemon, Bite or Spikes, and I can't use those words so I have to change it to something stupid or use a symbol. 

That is a losing battle for sure. At this rate there's no way to go forward without becoming familiar with how AI tools work, lest you quickly become like old people today who somehow still don't know how to use email.

But the transition is going pretty horribly. Corporations just diving headfirst into the technology because it's rapidly growing and improving, but is nowhere near sufficient to grant the promises they want to make (a full AI assistant on my phone that makes my appointments for me would be amazing. It sure doesn't work like that yet though). They immediately jumped on the train of straight up replacing artists rather than using AI tools for menial tasks. We're already so deep into the stage of not being able to trust anything we read or see, and having anything we say automatically distrusted. It's a hellscape and the instinct to avoid it entirely is tempting cause I don't know how else to enter this field and get used to it without feeling like endlessly walking on hot coals.

They really need to preface English class in primary school that you're learning a particular formal dialect of American English useful for professional settings, writing and communicating across multiple dialects. But English has many dialects spoken in the US alone, and common ways of speaking are not automatically so incorrect to deserve someone else throwing a fit over it. Do they do this with Cantonese and Mandarin?

From what I've seen this isn't remotely a YouTube policy thing, though there could be some overlap. I've only seen the self censoring adopted by creators themselves who clearly want as wide a reach as possible including on YouTube Shorts and TikTok. If policy had actually changed to demonetized or suppress videos not even for cursing but for mentioning certain words, it would have been a bigger story. This seems to be an entirely creator driven movement, originating from TikTok policy. And it's making everyone talk like a 8 year old. 

That's honestly impressive how immediately he couldn't take his own medicine and how much he needed to go on about it. Like not even a "I don't like that joke" got full on offended like he says other people shouldn't get lol

You can still make your own, and from my understanding QR codes still work.