That guy looks like he can control fire.

Addict With A Pen - Twenty One Pilots

Always makes me cry.

If she is pregnant, I doubt it’s yours. Saliva impairs sperm. Doesn’t kill them but makes it very difficult for them to swim.

  1. Kakashi
  2. Neji
  3. Sakura
  4. Itachi
  5. Pain

Do you really want to waste anymore time with this guy? He doesn’t care and has shown you that. I don’t care about the “He wasn’t always like this.” They never are.

I’ve lived here my whole life. Indiana drivers are some of the worst. Just no care for their life or others. Especially on the east side. Just today I almost witnessed two wrecks on a 15 minute drive.

The amount of people trying to defend these people are crazy.

“You should have talked to them first.” Pretty sure any sane person knows not to come up to someone’s garage door to let their dog shit. So we are past talking at this point.

“You were kind of being a dick.” Oh yeah? Someone is coming on MY property and letting their dog shit on it but I’m the asshole? Go fuck yourselves. This is why people think they can get away with stupid shit like this.

“You are not being neighborly.” See everything above.

You are not wrong, some people are just entitled little shits. If I were you and they want to keep being petty. I would start posting in the neighborhood forms. This is past deescalating, you can’t reason with people like this.

I don’t go as soon as it turns because the amount of idiots that will blow through a red light. I don’t care if the car honks behind me. I’m not dying so you can get somewhere a second faster.

Indiana police officers are a joke anyway. As long as their jobs are easy. They couldn’t care less.

Ladies. PLEASE STOP LETTING THESE MEN DO AND SAY THESE THINGS TO YOU. I can’t stand it, you do not need someone like this in your life. He brings nothing but pain and misery. Let him have his porn and move on. I guarantee he will never find a stable relationship with his porn addiction.

2x4 and chicken wire. Go back there and move their stuff from your property. Then put up the make shift fence. If they try to take it down, call the cops.

You say you don’t want problems but that’s all you’re going to keep having if you don’t do something. So it’s ether deal with the bullshit or confront them.

If he loved you and cared about you like you think he does, he wouldn’t ask you to get rid of the cat. Especially knowing how important she is to you. Your cat had valid reasons to attack both times. First, he hurt her. Second. She thought he was hurting you so she protected you. Just imagine how confused and upset she’s going to be not being with you. Never get rid of an animal because your spouse doesn’t like them, you will regret it.

Op. She not only lied and cheated. She made you feel like you were going crazy. She saw your mental health decline and still decided to let you spiral. You did everything you could to fix it and it still feels wrong. Don’t waste more time in something that you know isn’t right for you.

This one. Then send “Good answer.” 👏 when she replies.

Indiana has the worst drivers. I’ve lived here all my life and I swear if I had a dash camera I could post three to four times a day in r/idiotsincars

People do not care for not only their safety but everyone else around them. All because they want to get to somewhere a minute earlier. It’s extremely bad on the east side of Indianapolis.

He’s not even trying. He got you something he likes and wants you to take care of everything on the one day you should rest. Then he has the audacity to be in a bad mood? Leave this man, he’s a selfish prick. I hate, absolutely hate bare minimum men.

If you do end up putting up with him. Never get him anything ever again. No Father’s Day, no birthday, no nothing. Maybe then he will understand but I doubt it. Men like this have their head so far up their ass they are oblivious. You deserve better.

Indiana police don’t do anything, ever.