When I was spending about 9 hours a day writing code dark mode saved my eyes. It reduces eye strain.

This is so annoying. My sister put a huge sub in trunk of her car. She had no trunk space and stopped turning it on after about a month. I personally don’t get it. Mids are where the beauty of music is.

Apparently this triggered a few people severely, and it’s absolutely fucking hilarious

Northern lights is a strain of weed that was big in the 90s. Pure indica

I thought this was about weed for a second

Play a show. It’s a rush and people wanting to talk to me usually does it.

Do you have any made up stories or am I left dry?

You can start in one and finish in the other if you don’t mind things being wet

It’s solid state but oranges distortion is really well liked. No tubes to worry about and it brings down the cost. Plus, being solid state it can handle bedroom levels and compete with a drummer

Chad chadington Chadwick the 3rd Duke of Chad

Vacuum tubes but I’ve been surprised that I’m one of the few people who loves them for a while now.

Amp then guitar. Humbuckers definitely. The charvel socal or San dimas are good choices but an Hss Strat would work. If your willing to get an amp than the orange super crush might be it.

Either def jam vendetta or true crime with snoop dogg

It was a 90s horror movie. Maybe direct to video. That’s all I can remember.

There was a horror movie where a scarecrow assaults a woman and she thinks it’s her boyfriend at first. I can’t remember the name though.

Video games. I’m not sure why but one day I just lost interest. I used to love them but I’m going to sell my vintage collection today.

Ok. I have a very personal history with women I’m close to being abused so this might be a way for me to help and feel good about myself. I’m already working on the algorithm in my head.