Just methylation on the b complex, hydrogen water, pink salt, exactly 12.5 mins of sunlight, meal prep Sunday

Ok hear me out. Single hung wood stain grade 1,6 x 5’0 , 1’0 off the deck …. Let’s do this.

Also 3 of them look like one of mine she only wants love or bites good luck.

I would say 2.5 was fast for that parade. Get one of those all plastic and metal foldable tables and wash them 3ft up I get it they are huskies and if your break one step of the routine they will be angry forever but do it…

lol……….. I call it cleaning up the daily snow.

I love this dog. However fractional of a husky that has yet to be presented.

This my human flavor * crunch = party this is how I do theses

Like how inflation has caused the rate of everything to double?

That is really the problem, if a house can be broken down to a cost per square foot build… and they are, then the cost to rebuild will match to market. The building environment is a literal mark to market environment.

Clever thought experiment, hint the cost to buy one is linked very closely to the cost to build one. Hint subtract the cost of the land.

That is a good looking dog. They mine gives me a good night and a morning wake up hello, then does not want attention for the next 4 hours or until it’s time for the walk call.

Just brush the rest of it see what happens. Touch the suddenly shed spot if they try to bite you or cry take them to the vet.

Weather, hormones, amount of sunlight your geographic location may have slight factor as well. Short answer winter is safely over time for the warm weather coat.

Sand worms traveling in the drywall.

All of mine like kiddy pools. Anything bigger than that is a non starter.

Few years ago someone’s kid climbed one of those fell on him he died.

Simple humidity meter step 1. Might want to have someone from a resto company moisture meter the drywall could be a very very slow roof leak.


Please sir can I have your pizza bones?

lol new husky owners manual page 1. Brace yourself the shedding is coming.


Same route we went large male gsd husky mix raised our husky goblin mix. Think his tankiness allowed her to play way rougher as a puppy than she would have other wise. She grew up to be an extremely confident and robust 41lbs of fluffy teeth.