Yes, actually. It’s better to learn from someone who knows than to go in blind.

That’s not called learning. Learning doesn’t require research. Learning just requires study. And studying from a master/expert is the best way to go, not just googling and hoping you somehow synthesize a coherent understanding of X topic out if a sea of random data.

Teenage boys are the most rapey mfs on planet earth what’re you talking about? That’s a reason I actually think age gaps can be beneficial

Trauma bc you kissed your first bf after a month of dating at 17yo?

Violation is coming out of nowhere in your rebuttal to his analogy.

I have Avoidant Personality Disorder so I’m just kinda innately fucked with no possible cure

As an ugly person reading posts like these and realizing it will literally never happen to me, that nobody will ever look at me and see something worth being with, is so saddening. I need to get off this app. I think I’m typing this to myself at this point.

Why respond at all if it’s to say “oh” lol. That’s such a silly thing to do.

You couldn’t respond if you tried — based on your profile, you write in a very unintelligent way, so I imagine that unintelligence is holistic

The western system is rotten. And outdated.

Don’t listen to this guy — doing your own research is almost always a terrible idea.

Yeah. There was never a chance.

What’s the alternative to the numbers game? Magic? Growing to 6’4?

America is able to completely control israel if it so chooses. We hold all of the power. Israel wouldn’t exist if not for us. The entire Israeli government could be replaced in a day or two if we wanted.

Those are bottle rockets that don’t hurt anyone. If one struck your house right now — hell, even if it hit your very same room, there’s a 90% chance you’d be completely fine.

Hamas is not the root cause. Israeli barbarity was on display even in 1948 — so why blame hamas for the continuation of Israeli colonization and ethnic cleansing/racial colonization

I would 100% oppose that. I’m just saying, via a thought experiment, that israel is the provocation

I didn’t say it was lingerie wtf 😂

Okay so you’re telling me if I drew an OC that looked exactly like her, and claimed the character was 11, you’d be like “WTF no way she looks SOOO much older than 11!”

No u wouldn’t lol.

Phil has no self respect to even consider forgiving you. I would never want to see you again, you’re absolutely horrible and don’t deserve forgiveness.

Cool? I’d do the same if I lived in a swing state. Idk why you keep saying that.

You’re licking Biden’s shoes right now, but once he flubs the second debate what will you say?

(1) sub par? Name a more resounding, catastrophic loss in all of presidential debate.

Neither Obama nor Nixon come close, so who’s worse? Sub par implies something you’re aware of below sub par.

(2) you keep stating that I’m incorrect to point to mental decline, then go on about how he’s so ancient that of course his mental faculties declined significantly — meaning he’s incapable of being a remotely strong candidate. Pick a side buddy, you can’t have your cake and eat it too. Biden will lose as things stand, on account of the issues you identified and attributed (somewhat sympathetic) causes to. Logic please.

(3) many of his points were not salient or even coherent. See: the pivot from abortion to immigration… followed by a bizarre, awkward jump to incest.

That was wildly incoherent. Defend that.

(4) why do you keep saying trump bad? That’s irrelevant. Yes, trump bad. Yes, biden less bad. Why are you repeating this?

On what basis do you disagree?