Oh i was figuring like pure int magic, if we include the incantations yeah casting is off the charts.

Even early game it can feel good, everyone clowns on glintstone pebble but like that 2-3 taps most early game enemies

Dude what would happen was like Knock off mythbusters and i loved mythbusters so it was up there

The energy on Destroy Build Destroy was off the charts and so it was pretty sick


Now my feels about jake and my Jarburg related feelings are flaring up how dare you

What is trying to eat the Poffles ? Also have you considered the idea of Poffles with silly hats as a royal guard for his majesty ?

You should still pull ? “The number of people tied to either track is reduced by one” which means if you continue the scenario to the 11th iteration there will be no one tied to either track and thus totally fair for them to end it- this assumes you have knowledge of the matter at hand

If you don’t have the complete picture saving one life is better than not

Semi aquatic turbo murder wunk !

( if anyone actually cares about creature ID seems to be a north american mink ! Going off of headshot and mottled patterns. They’re relatives of Ferrets, Weasels, Otters, Badgers and Wolverines all in the family Mustilidae. Their fur coats let them swim in colder waters with minimal issues and are somewhat hyrdophobic. They are voracious predators and will hunt prey several times larger than themselves though this can lead to them being hazards to live stock as they’ll enter a state of frenzy if surrounded by too much prey. One mink was recorded killing 75 chickens in one night ! )

So enemies do actually make sound but the sound is quite quiet when you have machine guns, sniper rifles, rocket launchers , grenades and the screams of helldivers going on.

The most ridiculous combo

Calendula & Goblin Send someone directly to the space between spaces Hit them with the labyrinth Then hit them with hurl into the duat

Don’t just send them to the shadow realm. Seal them there like an ancient evil.

Playing Origin Character Wyll

Listen his story is tied up in everyone elses and the main plot, if you want to play a good guy he’s the second best option for a player character origin and only second cause Durge Exists as an Origin whe re you get to make your own character.

Its so damn quality. The world is really spectacular for a setting with not a single word in it, The gameplay is clean, crisp and engaging, beautifully haunting music and Pixel Art that really just knocked it out of the park.

I freakin love that game- but wow theres not much of a fandom for it really.

Hyper Light Drifter or Skies of Arcadia

Keepers of Iron

For The Badgerhood of Steel

Massive History Nerd , massively bored so here we go !

The earth kingdom is fractious at the best of times. Incite , arm and support rebellions against the earth kingdom placing self firmly as an ally and lover of freedom.

Air Nomad wise get them to help, spread messages of freedom and good will. Sure might need to trick them at first or hide messages in letters to families but sooner or later they’ll either recuse themself as no longer threats to anyone or Earth Kingdom will start attacking them after seeing the pattern of them showing up and insurrection and then thats them no longer a threat to you.

When the earth kingdom inevitably comes back around swinging to get their stuff back call them out on their hostile treatment of others - make them out to be the big scary boogey man and try to get help from the water tribes in shutting down their ships and navies. If nothing else use the wealth from your rebel ally trade to offer letters of Marque or just piracy bounties on earth kingdom ships

If you can manage to crush earth kingdom naval trade sweep in to dominate it with Fire Nation Engineering ships, keep encouraging rebels to crop up and supporting them.

Use the trade chokehold to encourage allies to become vassals or part of the fire nation to get better deals. Start up trade with the water tribes to get them in on this and start getting them reliant on the stuff you have.

Tadaa ! Alot of the earth kingdom under control, the Water tribes falling undersway , air nomads either on side or out of the way and people think you’re cool so the Avatar might not even fight you- hopefully some spirirts are out causing trouble or something.

I was really bored hope you enjoy

For me the best sound is a tie

the distant thump and whistling of an Orbital precision strike about to erase from reality whatever poor bastards’ in the blast radius


The Crackling fwoosh of a devastator head shot kill. I run AMR and it is the aound of a job well done.

Its at the tail end of the Savage Oppress Arc - Dooku sends Greivous to deal with the night sisters and leading a droid armor they exterminate them.

This is just the Artificer storyline - Pebbles Chucking V1 at bigger and bigger concentrations of threats to wipe them out and guzzle their blood before eventually requesting V1 kills Pebbles too because Iterators crave the sweet release of oblivion

The Godly Weapon Types are my favorite- not just because of the grind to get them but how alien they feel. Their designs give this feeling of something older than reason and the civilized world- that the difference between Divine and Eldritch is simply a matter of perspective. And i love that.

In games i enjoy the ideology of “the best weapon is the one you only need to use One” so i absolutely despise the gauntlets with their need to combo, i find the sword kind of middling. The blunderbuss i enjoy heartily because the lamb can now bleat out “faith, steel and gunpowder” and that amuses me

Axe is such a good weapon with such a good heavy, the toss is solid and it hits hard.

I actually enjoy the hammer ! And thats because a godly hammer hits once and most enemies either instantly die or are reduced to bones to pick up in a single hit. Just the mental image of lamb swinging this massive hunk of divine metal , impacting the ground and some poor heretic is left as a carbon shadow from the blast wave amuses me to no end. Tip for all who despise the hammer- it has way more reach than you might think it has. Each impact causes an explosion not far off the size of a bomb detonation or ichor curse splash and you can get some good reach with it.

And of course- the god killers. The dagger. They need no introduction. Their light attack is useful only for building the fervor required to use the heavy attack that can pierce the Heavens, rend apart the veil and shatter the crowns of lesser gods. the daggers feel almost too good.

Oh highly Recommend Risk of Rain 2 ! Its third person action gamey nature makes it more accessible than the somewhat clunky 2D nature of the first game.

2 also has the awesome quality that every time you get a new item it gets added to the model of the character you’re playing as which with how many items, how they all interact and how many characters is just a wealth of detail

Ventress, her character growth and story throughout the clone wars is a delight ! She also went through so many distinctive looks.

I could also just drink up the banter her and kenobi had. Ventress, Maul & Kenobi in that arc all around each other was a riot of a time.

Also Ventress going back to Talzin let us finally see why the whole setting is actually scared of Grievous and ya know i get it

Did ya hit it with a hellbomb ?! Seriously what did you do to the poor thing

High int & charisma

I like happy endings and being able to think or talk people into the best endings is nice. Yes j am a sucker

But also Gauss Rifle + Bloody Mess means i fear no beast of the mojave. Add in confirmed bachelor for bonus damage against all legion forces and i’m ready to rock