Does anyone get negative input from others about this? Drives my husband crazy. He's of the ilk that if isn't actively used, throw it away. Yes, I have my own laptop, screens, desk. Purchases stored on my own outer drive. πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

Wow! The binding! Oh, this will be a treasured addition to your friend's dollhouse.

Remarkable. Your skill, tenacity, determination. Congratulations on the completion of this incredible piece!

Everything about this post is exceptional - your floss organization, your stitching, frame, environment, and, of course, your music choice. It must have taken you quite some time and planning to execute this posting. Thank you for sharing with us all. πŸ’–

Sounds like something out of Pixar. πŸ˜„ But the demonstration of the process is great. Thank you!

A beautifully executed, beautifully designed piece. So lovely. Thank you so much for sharing with us and to second an earlier post, please let us know how you fare at the fair!

Oh, how beautiful, both the scenery and the glass finding! Thanks so much for sharing.

Hmm. Lots of negatives. (11). Have you ever had to live with rats?

Oh, that's just horrible! His Oncologist wasn't available? Referred him to ER? I'm just stunned...and so sorry for you.

Perry Mason reference. Movie 1935. The Case of the Lucky Legs? 😊 30 years before Star Trek.

You may not like flowers, but you execute them beautifully. Lovely work.

Been making this for 60 years. 😊 Going to the lake, picnics, camping. Sometimes add cheese, roasted chicken breast. Love it!

What an excellent transformation by adding backstitch and beading. Thank you for sharing your before and after.