Yup go ahead kill a human or fetus or whatever you like to call it to ease your mind. Its your decision anyway, don't mind what other people say.

First, I don't think he's a bad singer. Given he is a little weak compared to other members but our boy can sing sing.

Second, my bias is sehun and 8 other. Ot9 bias heheh.

Third, your choice is freaking amazing if your bias is OH SEHUN..!!! Honest

I want no I NEED but I know it's gonna be expensive as duxk

I mean I Love those, people do have different song choices huh. I'm actually surprised to see this😂

I do not like and I'm stressing do not like Ya Ya Ya. Sigh* Tried all my best to get use to the robotic ya ya ya but it gets to the best of me in a bad way all the time

I'm sorry but no one is "born" Trans, apart from that you're correct

I don't want India to be the second crazy America with crazy people with their ideologies and thousand different pronouns and sexes. Also tran men are not "men", they are still biologically female and therefore will always be "Trans men".

A male is a male. If not Trans women are Trans women and not actual "women". NTA

Boxers are fine. I love wearing men boxers. The issue is with an 11 year old with her gender confused. Kindly have a nice long conversation with your niece and why she thinks she's a male. I hope she wasn't influenced by the leftist lol

First of all, both of you are 17. Like 17?!!!!!! Sex at this age??! Like what the absolute mushroom sauce.

2nd of all, please just don't cave in. You know internally you aren't ready and therefore the consistent result

Edit : why is everyone on the comment so chill about a 17year old wanting to have sex. I am going insane.

NTA but the foul languages TT when I was 15 I was skimping in the swing laughing.

It honestly sounds like a doom situation. NTA, tell you boyfriend to understand that a man in a relationship should nit entertainment or give ideas to other woman

First of all, ABCIDBWKFKNCKDJJFNC a fan boy!! It's rare to find one!!! Welcome and thank you for your love for our boys.

Now regarding Exo's declining activities, I've been bawling about it as well especially needing for an Ot9 comeback. SM had always been a butt crack to our boys, no doubt but yes I feel like their enlistment and different professional works aside from being an idol also contributes sometimes. However I would never stop needling SM entertainment for their crappy role and not doing their best In promoting EXO while Exo is clearly one of thier greatest asset. Such dumpster sigh*smh


Edit : corrected a mistake <3

YTA without any explanation needed

Oh my GOSH. Please tell me it's FAKE.. !!

I mean I'm shocked. I think it's two very different book. I've read both and it ends with us is not even half of the half of TLH. I'm interested to know how your friend came to this conclusion

One of my favorite book fr. Please enjoy it

Not much of a thriller fan but if you would suggest me some that will keep me on my toes then I'll be grateful

HELP I'm currently on my slump period. I've been book slumped since a month or more. But I tried reading verity by CoHo. Not her fan but since I've already bought tons of book written by her before knowing her writing style, i have no other option but to read it.

But serious question, how do you guys get yourself away from book slump?

Wow it's almost 9000INR. I'm ded

For the long run, it'll be better for you to find a man who isn't so much into having sex with strangers when in a relationship with others.

How much does it cost. I really want one myself