So now there are females sending out death threats for their escort scams.

Looks like my boy after he found the slimiest muddy water he could find to cool off in on the neighboring grove

My BCs were mixes, one was an Aus. shepherd/BC/ Red Queensland & the other was BC/Queensland. Both had short fur. The triple mix would shed on his hips and back. We just brushed him regularly. The BC/QH rarely needed brushing except a few weeks when it warmed on her hips. My Australian Shepherd we would trim the fur on the back of his legs and near his rear when he would get mats or started acting annoyed with it. He was really good about it & would just stand there. His back end was brushed. If he got gross muddy he’d get a bath.

I like it. It’s unique and can be shortened to Boz for a nickname. They say pets should have 2 syllable names so when called (dog parks, backyard, sleeping in another room, etc… or if they get loose) they respond more easily.

The thinner she gets, the more pronounced other features become. Friend lost a lot of weight for her wedding in a short amount of time. Size 12 /14 to a 0 in about 3 months. She looked unhealthy and had bones protruding in wrists, collarbones and cheekbones.

She might be taking her time. I know girls and guys from school who worked and went to school at the same time. It was tough to take a full course load and work full-time for them to pay for classes. Several cut back the number of classes and worked more to try and save money. The ones who lived on their own had a harder time because they had rent, food, bills, etc… to also pay for whereas those who lived at home had fewer expenses.

I think she needs to go with her older sister and leave Crystal home. I think it might be less uncomfortable without a camera and Crystal butting in & trying to talk for Hannah or asking questions and bragging about Hannah. It always feels uncomfortable when they film and take gifts, almost like it’s a charity thing for Crystal. The younger sister seemed so happy to see Hannah and I’m sure they would get along if given time. As far as the mom not wanting to be filmed, I can understand that. There could be lots of reasons for it but not really knowing much about the situation between bio parents before she was given up, it could also be a safety concern for the mom and family. I think in order for Hannah to really get to know them, if she wants that, she needs to be able to ask questions and interact with them in private. Then if she chose to share how things went, what they did, etc… that would be up to her how much or little to talk about it. I think it could be a lot to process mentally and emotionally but it might be good for her to know and have questions she’s wondered about answered.

Different color on the walls. Grey, taupe, navy accent wall? Paint the bookshelf a darker color something that coordinates with new wall color. Paint the mirror frame (charcoal grey or black) and maybe hang it sideways on the a wall. Take the plants out of the room. Solid color rug on the floor. Paint bed frame to match bookcase or mirror frame. You could actually leave the walls white and do various shades of grey and black to accent the furniture (mirror, bed, & bookcase). A new light fixture too.

Behavior management, family sitting down to meals together & enough made for everyone including those not home at that time, schedule for bedtimes & getting up, keeping Aurora in her own bed, probably something with the dogs and their “owners” taking responsibility for them (walking, feeding, cleaning up after them). First thing would probably be getting rid of the junk food in the snack closet or at least for the younger kids and having healthier snacks replace it.

If I were Emma I’d move out, get a job and leave the BS behind OR apply to college for next year. Even a year at Community College to figure out what to do with her life if she still lived at home. Anything to get her out of the house and away from a monotonous daily life doing the same thing all the time. A job or school would at least give her things to talk about on vlogs & something to do other than chauffeuring Ellie and her friends around all the time.

For elementary school promotion here they just ask that the boys wear nice shorts or pants/jeans and a button down shirt or plain tee (no graphics). Girls have the same recommendations or a skirt/dress. Some kids/parents go all out and they dress up fancy.

8th grade promotion is a bit different. The boys wear nice pants and shirts. They can wear ties if they want and some will wear suits. Girls can wear dresses, skirts, etc… No holey jeans/shorts or crop tops.

Beautiful girl with and without makeup. I like her more natural look that she’s done in the past. The more glam look is good too for going out & special occasions but she looks quite a bit different without any makeup on. Just makes me wonder why she doesn’t go subtle more often.

New member!

Cute dress. I agree with others about having a sweater/cardigan or other type of covering for your shoulders.

I think she, as well as other vloggers, feel “Her life, her choices”. Everyone knows that she posts what she wants, when she wants. I don’t understand why people get their hopes up then get mad when she doesn’t post when they expect her to knowing full well that she doesn’t follow a regular posting schedule. Even when she does post, a lot of the same ones who complain about lack of posts then complain about the content. Damned if she does, damned if she doesn’t. Lol

I don’t personally watch very many of hers anymore because it’s usually the same stuff that’s been done many times already. The shopping, thrifting, hanging out with Ellie, etc… ones seem tense & like she feels obligated to make & post something. Ellie sits there and responds with one or two word answers & Emma tries to coax her into participating then laughs but the laughs come across as forced and not genuine. Id much rather see new content that is relatable and posted now & then rather than lots of repetitive vlogs that are made to fulfill peoples’ wishes.

If it’s one they created for her themselves it’s supposed to say managed by parents or the parent/s names since she’s under 13. Not that it really means anything since they may not be aware of that rule.

I sometimes accept the call and mute the speaker when the prefix or town is a know spam call area. Then I see how long they stay on the line before hanging up.

Well that didn’t take long. Weirdos already coming out of the woodwork. I can only imagine what they will be putting on the page. SMH

My GSDs were outdoor farm dogs so never dealt with that. My smaller inside dogs however had to be right where I was if I went anywhere and they saw me. If I happened to beat them to bathroom they would lay outside the door and huffy breath under the door or scratch, one more so than the other. Sit on the toilet and one would jump in lap. Take a bath or shower & they’d be right there laying on the bath mat. Sick or feeling blah, they’d be on or next to the bed or couch in protective mode.

My GSDs were very family only dogs and protective. I had one GSD/wolf mix (so we were told) who would go into guard mode anytime he saw a vehicle. He’d block us and not let us move until he saw the person. Then he would either continue to block and keep us at a distance while talking to the person or go and lay down if told to. He was always on alert though and quick. 85 lbs of fluffy marshmallow with us but scary mean if going after another dog who was a threat.

My Dr. spread the tests out so only a few vials each time. She eliminated other conditions one by one. Kind of a pain because usually when bloodwork was done I was having a fairly good day.

Scam. The grammar, using capital letters in the middle of sentences for words that don’t need it, poor sentence structure, etc… It’s very unprofessional sounding and a bit demanding at times.

Shelby. Not an S or soft C but the name just popped in my mind when I saw his pics.