Probably didn't tip the stylist. This is the equivalent of a "kick me" sign on the back.

Except for Sam Spade, private detective. He was on the up and up. Knew the skinny. You didn't mess with a hard nosed gumshoe when a murder case and a blonde bombshell with shady past was darkening the door. Daylight is burning. Gotta get the drop on a few goons trying to pawn a Maltese falcon.

I don't think they have any grown ass adults with a Liberal Arts degree screening their PR messages. It's so hard to find good, loyally corrupt, stupid people who can proofread. So hard. That's a rare breed.

We clubbing at Trumps now?

He was saying we were at the break dancing point. So everyone over to dance at Mar a Largo? Open bar! I hope they play EDM -- that age appropriate music is too slow for me and I try and stay immature.

Sadly, this preacher is getting laid twice as much as most of us Redditors. Even in that tan jacket. His Christian outreach catches all the slower kids.

That is why Satan is winning -- that right there.

It's all ticks and mentia for De-Donald dees days.

I mean, he did do a few sort of capitalist things to get his wealth. Billionaire after all. But as far as I can tell, he donates to left wing and anti fascist causes.

Not an expert. The guy might be normal corrupt or a saint for all I can tell. Not nearly even in the ballpark with all the assholes behind the fascist movement.

Bill Gates in his pirate years might have been a better fit than Soros. But now it's hard to push the narrative; "Well, charities and the like can distort where funding goes,... um, we'd do better taxing these people and organizing efforts and research based on apportionment and and --- wait you say I'm sounding like a Progressive and that's way to reasonable to keep this gravy train running?"

"Sleepy Joe is just too sleepy for me. Yawn. Wake me up when there is a challenge."

"I don't want to share the room with a man who will tolerate his son being more crooked than he is."

"I'm unable to have a debate until the IRS has finished auditing my,... stamp collection. Sorry, otherwise you'd see a whooping."

Imagine if you had to pay a royalty each month you wore a Swastika.

Now imagine rent-to-own Trump Sneakers and Bibles.

Imagine no more. That'll cost you too.

It’s different because Trump has done real crimes rather than shadow traumas as created by right wing media. 

I’m not saying I like the Clintons, but they are the normal level of corrupt. Not Trump/Bush level. 

That was for Buttery Males though. And Comey and the FBI were “easy” on Clinton because he brought up the same emails they already covered days before the election. Good thing it wasn’t just photocopies of prior evidence — because that would be the same thing. 

"Presentism"? I'm okay with that accusation. People can't REALLY feel their past most of the time. So these "traditions" and history can be rewritten in only a generation.

NOW is what matters and the influences that produce MAGA are not about the civil war. Yes, religion is definitely a part of it. And yes, Baptists and Evangelicals especially. But a lot of other religions as well. It only takes a few years to turn a bright critical thinker into a troll after too many hours with Alex Jones' screeds.

I have a larger theory if you are ready for it -- and it's kind of depressing and hopeful. I see that most everyone has a bit of TRUTH in what they believe, because the Universe / Cosmos is complex. But I should say what's important is a "TRUTH that serves you." Kind of like letting kids believe in Santa, because that's a magical time and the despair of filling out forms and not being able to fly to your destination on a reindeer is waiting.

So people need a feeling of being special and valued. We all do. And they will follow and listen to whatever makes them feel that. Liberal or Conservative. That TRUTH only serves the ego for most of us.