I don't have enough damage, then. I might be punching above my weight. ~65 there is no way I'll be able to kill it before the first three staggers. Not even close... That's partially why I'm dying, as I'm trying to get as much as I can out of every stagger, even when I know the timing with the shadow cycle is bad.

I appreciate the tips -- using tp/flame shield for stagger especially makes me feel like I am not complete shit, as I have been doing that selectively since I started playing. But damn, pretty much all I play is sorc, yet I still seem to hit walls earlier than others =(

Since I read this comment I'm getting completed fucking abused by the "shadow boss" at the end of every single Pit. WTF is going on? Does every boss have a shadow screen-nuking sidekick and I just never noticed? And now that I notice it, I'm hyper-focused on it and overthinking things? Or what the fuck is going on? This is horrible. I'm getting them down to 2% and getting 1-shot because my cooldowns lapsed for a second, or my blizzards make it too hard to see some of the effects, or I'm blind, or otherwise handicapped, et cetera. This is infuriating

Good lord. I'm pushing 30k with a pot. I've a long way to go.

Hours and hours are what you need to commit if you want to be successful at all. Signs? Come on.

They're just another obstacle both players have to deal with. I made a sick drop around a sign with the nirvana in the tournament the other night.

I don't think you actually know who "most players are" or how they play Diablo games. How can people say things like this with such confidence?

Right. And now imagine your opponents are ALSO sentient and thinking about the fact this egomaniac with a few thousand games played casually beat them.

VERY great oh. my. god! As much affirmation as you're looking for, and more!

These kinds of disparities happen with every single drug.

Edit: in case you aren't aware, generic drugs only need to have 90% efficacy, unless this has changed recently.

Thanks for all the clarity, I appreciate it. No reason to leave. Good luck to you either way. That sounds like too much for anyone to navigate.

please, please just skip the part where you take this person's advice before consulting a physician.

*you need to do just ask a doctor, not this enthusiast

Conspiracy theorists shouldn't have a place here. You contribute nothing of substance. There is no reason you should be able to opine about the bullshit you heard on Fox or read on Breitbart, let alone the things you made up in your own mind. As ineffective as experts and physicians might often be, they're trying. They put in years of work. You listen to Alex Jones or something. Fuck you.

Said with the conviction of a stupid, unqualified person with no business giving diagnoses on the internet.

Nausea is basically the entire gastritis experience, at least for me. Acute experiences have ranged from 3-5 days of indescribable nausea, leading to nearly perpetual hyperventilating, and naturally a lot of gagging/retching. By the end of the first night, every muscle group in my body is constricting/spasming, including my throat, making it difficult to even speak.

So yeah, this doctor is clueless, but in my experience, they pretty much all are. The best one I've found was an Emergency Attending physician who calmly listened to me attempt to describe it all for the thousandth time, ran their own tests, and told me that if I wanted it, they would admit me that day and get to the bottom of this. He didn't necessarily understand what I was going through any better than the countless others I've dealt with, but he definitely understood *that,* so he listened to me and was ready to utilize every tool he did know to use to diagnose and solve my problem.

Anyway, eventually I gave up on Zofran, as it just isn't effective for me anymore unless given intravenously (in that case, however, it's brilliant). Nowadays, I have compazine, which I'm able to take three times a day. Because this nausea is, again, indescribably horrific, that unfortunately nobody will understand unless they experience it themselves. I would ask again and find a new doctor YESTERDAY if getting Zofran is challenging, because fuck that. I truly hope not everyone has to experience nausea this severe, but it sure seems like people don't take it as seriously as something like 'pain'.

Pain makes me miserable. Acute gastritis-induced nausea means a complete loss of those three to five days, able to get absolutely NOTHING AT ALL done. I text my wife something like, "need you now cannot do anything," when I sense it coming. She drops everything to leave work, come home, parent our kids and make sure I don't die. By the time she gets home, I'm already done for, in the fetal position and hyperventilating.

I'll end the rant now, but again, if you can't even get Zofran right now, I would highly encourage getting ahead of this problem now, in case it becomes more severe. If I could do it all again, knowing how much time and money would be completely wasted by this disease, I would laugh at a script for omeprazole. Please. Aciphex and Carafate or I'll find someone else to write the scripts. If not one of these useless GI monkeys, then an internist. If they can't even write effective prescriptions then it's not like their treatment plan is going to be effective. You just need the scripts, and they have a license.

So let me get this straight: you supposedly have it as bad as many of us, but you just decided to start drinking beer and now you're okay? This place is spiraling.

Good. Your ego isn't my concern. There's plenty of noise on here as it is from people who don't know what they're talking about but feel an obligation to 'contribute'

Hey, I'm just working with the tools in my belt. It's not every day we have a diagnostician/gastroenterologist fielding questions and linking their 'guides' on here. What a treat.