Yeah I LOVE this dress (but agree the location doesn’t match)

I just said this! She always sounds like the next word is a surprise. I’ve never heard her speak “normal” until now

I thought she was only capable of speaking in that monotonous, slow cadence that makes it seem like she has no clue what the next word she’s about to say is 🫠

I just saw this yesterday and was waiting for some connection but it was never acknowledged. Maybe it was simply nod to the classic from the writer/director/producers?

I’m watching now and waiting for her to figure it out 😭

Also I do think she looks older than however old she is but I’m Black and am used to the woman in my family looking a certain way so that’s MY normal

She’s beautiful, no doubt. I was born in the 80s and look half this woman’s age. I was carded just yesterday (and often). Just depends on the person

Mr. Domingo also believes that instead of fighting for/demanding better working conditions that people should just “get over it” and “that’s just how it is”….so…talented actor, but when he opens his mouth offscreen I never pay him much mind

Omg I haven’t been on TikTok the last couple weeks so I wonder what the hell happened 😳

I’m shocked she doesn’t have multiple phones (at least one personal and one strictly business)

Agreed. My Amazon cases are better and last longer

She mentioned her in the last video saying she sent her pre and post run stretches

Whew what a time to be alive 😭 I remember going down that rabbit hole

Really? I could see her overcompensating and tipping more than average. But I don’t know enough about her yet.

I was thinking wow Nara was so pretty but her looks have CHANGED. Then I realized it’s two different women 🙃

ETA: she’s still pretty, but you know what I mean 😭

SO many men would 🥲 I bet she keeps a man lol

If it’s somewhere cool like starting in Scotland and making their way south I might even tune in

lol before I was following most of them I walked past 3/4 of them (remi, oli, maybe ash and another woman) as I was entering Joan’s on 3rd. Then later I saw in their vlogs that that’s where they were leaving. (And their beloved Alfred’s of course)

I share huge hauls with my local buy nothing group (and stuff I know i don’t/wont like 🫣)

I didn’t know they were on the app for LA now. Awesome 😋