I don't regularly listen to it but "let's bang" is a... Banger

Also I didn't know it was a sexual song because I am not from an english speaking country so I didn't know until much later. Still a banger

I feel like the show itself don't show how shitty the rock opera sabotage was. And then he's like "I need you to tell me that deep down I am a good person"

God damnit what the fuck do you want? You got your list of recommendation and it's useless to keep talking because whatever I say it doesn't go through?

Did you get your little power trip about calling out someone??

There's no point keep on talking. Good job you called out someone rude and give them a lesson about politeness.


Next time you find someone rude and are annoyed at them for not searching titles,just don't talk to them instead of interacting. Don't do that. It's a waste of time.


"Bofuri' and "I'm a spider so what" are exactly the reason why I talk about otome isekai and not regular isekai. I don't want a game like setting that is supposed to make you think of a MMO. I want a setting like there is in the majority of OI which is why I talk about them and say that I don't want regular isekai.

Of course if I wanted them I could find them easily which is why I ask for OI and not regular isekai. I ask for the renaissance style of clothing and country with long dress and stuff not a video game like dynamic.

If you find me rude and don't want to find stuff for me stop interacting. I didn't force you to find stuff for me so why are you doing it and then blaming me? I just said that I don't want regular isekai because of what they usually are. Just removing the otome from otome isekai isn't enough and you can see it just by how both kind of stories work so stop acting like I am the problem

I have enough of this argument with semantics.

Again, I don't understand why you think it will replace the setting of OI. It doesn't even need to be an isekai, it's just the setting and the female mc that I want to have.

It feel like media for women just can't exist without a guy to fawn on

Regular isekai have male mc for the most part while I want the same setting with a female mc just without romance. Regular isekai aren't like that at all, how is it a good replacement?

It's exactly why I want to straight up avoid them now

So we can't have the same setting without romance?

When it come to romance I am always a minority, I already know that. But at least on there there's more criticisms about how ml are written.

I'll take novel recommendations if you have any

The reason why I seel otome isekai is because they have a female mc. The isekai we get recently are undistinguishable from each other, have romance and waifu. They don't interest me and I don't know why you think they would.

The only one I do like is tondemo skill

I do like some OI with romance when the male lead is interesting or at least likable but yeah I think I'm going to take a break anyway 👍🏾

It bring me to a more general question : can we have a story with a female lead but without romance ? Guys get those right

QQ sweeper and Queen quality. Kyutaro have the softest gaze for Fumi

Beware of the villainess

Trophy husband