Wow looks like the same magnetic stirrer hotplate that I have.

Hey bud, I've been following these posts for sometime and they're pretty entertaining and also quite informative.

Just wanted to quiz you on the polarimeter, where did you source this or did you construct it? Feel free to DM me if you don't want to reply here.

Spore syringe local vendors???

Hi all I'm looking for an Aussie, preferably QLDer I can buy some spore syringes/prints from...obv prefer syringe but beggars can't be choosers can they.

This is probably not a bad idea.

Hahah so right, this was my thought on that plan too.

No worries mate, glad U got something out of my post. Inline kill switch wouldn't be a bad idea.

Umm I mentioned that because I've tried and it hurt much more, as I said. Douche

Clearly you know best and dont actually want the issue resolved rather just to vent your annoyance which is totally understandable but you are really coming off like a douche I'm sorry to say

Mate a tire will never be covered under warranty and it really is just being pedantic and trying to prove a point by saying it should be. Tires are consumables and that's just how it is, they wear out or sometimes are just faulty. Unfortunately the 1% which wasn't refurbished seems to be that tire. But that still doesn't make it their responsibility to fix..

It sux that you've spent money, been excited to ride your new scooter and then later realised that your tire has a slow leak, very annoying. I empathise with that having changed far to many tubes/tires.

But that still doesn't change the fact that you are wrong, you've jumped the gun and filed a charge back (which I wonder if your bank will actually consider fraud once they contact the other party) and then posted disparaging comments about a brand/company because in your opinion they are responsible..

Can I ask how old you are? Have you encountered similar situations often? Because sorry to say you're dealing with the situation like a child, a child with google, but still a child.

Mate I've never seen a warranty that covered tires; this is because they are a consumable item which needs to be replaced.

You said that you decided to buy the refurbished one, I'm assuming to save doing so you're accepting that this isn't a brand new condition scooter..

They probably stopped replying because you're wasting their time with a problem that they have no responsibility to fix.

Filing a charge back is a straight up dick move, did you send their scooter back? I'm guessing not.

Coming here to bitch and whine about a company which you have basically stolen from took about the same amount of effort as ordering a new tire yourself..

Nobody will agree that you have been wronged because you haven't.

Maybe you should take your own advice bro because he said he asked for a replacement TIRE multiple times.

Oh man, no hurts but your asshole will hurt far more trying to boof that lol....I know from experience hahah. And I def second the caustic properties of it.

Good to know, thanks for replying... I've been thinking of what sort of scrubbing system to put together for some time now; will have to check out some hydro stores I'm thinking.

However it happened this person has one hell of a recovery in front of them.

I've done my distal femur and the imaging looks very similar except mirrored. Hope the recover well.

Possibly try wrapping a length of electrical tape around your bars in the spot you plan to mount the holder to add some more 'meat' for the clamp to tighten into.

Ohh I think you're talking about the thin rubber strap that comes with; there was a piece to wrap on the handlebars before tightening the handlebar clamp to hold the extension which the actual phone holder connected to....maybe.. There were also little rubber covers for the pho e clamp 'claws' however I found them a little dinky so tossed them and used the clamp directly on my phone.

I've often wondered whether the zenes would show up here. I've been out of the game for a few years now.

Yes very possibly, I never took the time to weigh a tablet prior to working on it although I certainly should have.... If you have decent scales it would be well worth trying.

I've thought about constructing a carbon filter system; what type of filters are you using?

Wow this is quite interesting 🤔 will definitely be checking out this synth in the future sometime.

There is most certainly a binder in them; are you taking ritalin10 a|b white tablets?

I've done a few crude extractions on these in the past from 5 tablets to 50 of them. Sometimes evaporated to leave a water soluble crystalline powder but always leaving behind 3/4s to 4/5s of the total weight in very very thin talc filled powder.