They say most of your brain shuts down in cryo-sleep. All but the primitive side, the hungry side. No wonder I'm still awake. Transporting me with civilians…and donuts. Smelled like 20, 30-dozen.  Other assorted pastries.  Heard a French voice. Some hoodoo patisserie man, probably on his way to New Paris. But are there croissants? Any crêpes? I smelt a woman. Sugar, flour, baking apron, gingham. Kitchen type. Free bakers. And they only make the best cakes. And here's my real problem. Mr. Pillsbury... the blue-eyed devil. Planning on taking me back to the slam...a grand slam with pancakes and everything.  Only this time he picked a slow line. A long time between orders. A long time for food to get get cold...

Right, that newspaper thing. Forgot about that detail. I need to reread that arc.

Travel time between islands doesn’t usually get a specific call out in the manga.  

Did anything in the manga explicitly show how long it was?  The amount of time sailing has always been a bit nebulous, I thought.  

A lot of action movies do this. The hero has rescued the distressed damsel, killing all the local villains or otherwise creating a brief respite from the carnage. Time for a night of passion despite all injuries or other trauma that either party may be suffering from.

I’ve got a webcam on a Roomba.  It has not successfully hunted a reindeer….yet.

And that’s how you lose a vet license and inadvertently discover sounding at the same time.

I’ve never swapped a globular mouthful of slime during a make out session, but maybe that’s the trend amongst the youth these days.

Rule is stupid

Not necessarily.  Food creates extra garbage and the scraps are a pest attractor.  The extra maintenance costs when multiplied across however many stations and stops can really add up.  

Eating in a space that a lot of people use and interact with.  If everyone is eating, it increases the need for sanitation services like trash cans and litter sweeping.  It increases the availability of food scraps for pest animals.  It adds grease and crumbs and grime to everything.  It adds a very real cost to operations which taxpayers are on the hook for.

Does ONE person do this?  No. It’s the thousands of people that could be eating but aren’t because a rule was put in place that specifically says, “no eating food here.”

So why does this guy not have to follow the rule?  Why is him eating this sandwich at this time so darn important that he has to get in an argument with someone who has been given explicit authority to enforce rules?  There are things in this world worth fighting over.  For the guy eating the sandwich, this shouldn’t be one of them.

 If they’ve had the opportunity to correct the behavior and refused, they need to leave.  If they refuse to leave, then they are essentially asking to be forced to leave.  This will usually require physical restraint, even an arrest if they try to fight it.  

People can sneakily break the rules here and there and apologize when caught or if they just didn’t know and most everyone is fine with that.  Don’t make a mess, don’t make a nuisance, and things will usually go just fine. Defiant rule breaking is just main character syndrome.  It’s disrespectful to everyone who inconveniences themselves to follow the rules.  


Edit: reading failure.

I also gagged at this.  I don’t even care about the salmonella, just the idea of getting food from another persons mouth does not agree with me.  And that food is a snot-like blob of raw egg?  Eugh….

Anything can have fecal bacteria on it. That stuff is everywhere to some degree. It would be very weird if there was actually pieces of fecal matter on them, unless the duck had just finished spelunking.

Full disclosure, my wife are both very vanilla when it comes to this stuff and that’s unlikely to change. Any questions I ask are out of curiosity and not meant as any “ew that’s gross” sorry of judgement.

Probably more than one occasion where that accurate shooting is why he came back from Nam and why you get to exist.

Not exactly new. What do you think putting your phone number in to get sale prices was for?

it's pretty clean

So not spotlessly clean?  Do you still get a bit of fecal taste or the occasional granule hiding in a crease?

I’m not a medical professional or anything, but the thing that bothers me the most is the gloveless hand adjusting the tarp.  I wouldn’t want to put my hand anywhere near those things without some protection.