Seems a very blurry distinction, if it’s different at all. Perhaps whether the delusion is self chosen or not. 

Every artist is sure they’re gonna blow up without enough money to even get their project completed properly. Makes promises to “the little people” from their great, kind hearted generosity to share the immense wealth that is sure to follow. Which never does. 

It prevents the open source community from making use of anything Spotify started. That’s a huge loss in corporatethink. 

I swear a bike passed me with open headers. I can’t believe the rider could hear enough to use a phone after ten minutes on that. 

“…but loud pipes saved lives!” /s

Sorry, I can’t tell you from here.

It’s truly backwards.

This sentence accurately describes US healthcare.

Hoping for the perfect tone that you spent years perfecting is really not realistic in most gigging situations. I saw that decades ago and realized that the audience would have the best experience if the instruments were under control of the sound system.

I spent most of a Father’s Day doing a rush job for a very particular, perhaps haughty, band that was playing in town that night. They had vintage amps that weren’t road worthy in the least that had been beaten senseless from quite a bit of touring. I went a long ways and patched them up well, promising my dad to spend time with him after making a nice payday for it. I delivered the amps in time for soundcheck, with a suggestion that they consider a more ruggedly designed amp and received icy glares, derision and glowing praise for those vintage tones. As if I didn’t know a thing about tube amps. The band’s road manager wanted to renegotiate the stated estimate (not uncommon) and threw in a couple good seats to sweeten the deal. I came back for the show a couple hours later and the mix engineer they toured with was so fucking horrible it wouldn’t have mattered if they’d plugged the guitars into kitchen blenders. No one in the room could hear any vintage tone, or much at all.

Tubes distort quite a bit without being pushed hard, they just change rapidly once they are driven hard. Transformers can also be rather nonlinear, especially dynamically.

Some stereo tube amps can run with little distortion and clip like a solid state amp and were impressively accurate before solid state amps. I’ve bench tested some. Guitar amps are quite different.

Source: amp tech for decades and recording engineer.

“There's the great debate on which tube screamer is the best. Brian Wampler did a great video on YouTube about how the difference people are claiming to hear is probably variance in parts (namely potentiometers) between units.”

20% parts tolerance can cause some serious differences in sound, at times, devices that are the same make and model.

Source: electronic tech and recording engineer for decades.

There are some other great opinions for why that is here, but I think lack of great arrangements is also an important factor. Just because everyone can make ‘good sounding’ music on a computer doesn’t mean everyone can make great music.

Much more, but certainly not completely, rational. 

Maybe if there was any real chance of getting heard without merely making lots of money for everyone else..?

I’ll take death. I’ll go down fighting hard so don’t be surprised if this doesn’t go the way he thinks. 

“Does not comply with my ethics”. Is that the same trailer park ethics that make you believe it’s fine to call strangers “skanks” in the very next sentence?

What are you saying is not true?

I was very impressed with the T-12 I built. Can't believe how well it tested against much more expensive microphones. I've been recording for decades and am now convinced that inexpensive (relatively) microphones are 100% up to the task of matching or beating the classics. To be fair, some at least one of the engineers participating still bought an expensive classic citing the fact that artists would still be impressed enough to justify the expense. That's a valid enough point for some situations. It did save him from going to the $10k mic, though, so that was a win.

I did the T-12 (C12) clone and an S-87. Might've been either that that test used but the bottom line is that the capsules are very good. I'm getting ready to try some other capsules in the future but I can't say anything but good about these.

We had a lien situation with a company I used to work for. In that jurisdiction, when they didn't satisfy the court, we had court officers accompany us to the site to repossess. When we arrived the officers told us, with a wink, we wouldn't be held responsible for any "incidental damage" that may occur during the removal process. We were ready to rip the wiring job to shreds but they did allow them to go to the bank to bring back cash. Funny how they immediately find the cash once the prospect of everything being ripped out comes up.