The distance between St John's and Vancouver is about the same as the distance between Lisbon and Kazakhstan

Canada has a land border with the EU

You can see France from Newfoundland

The northernmost point of Brazil is closer to Canada than it is to the southernmost point in brazil

(This is one I weaponize when French speakers get uppity in the west): in Vancouver, you're about as close to Russia as you are to Quebec

Really pulling the "we are keeping the bouchard bloodline pure" card eh?

It's expensive (like, once a year expensive), but try Juicy Marbles.  It has the fibrous texture you're looking for

The Jazz, the Lakers, the Tennessee Oilers (who were later renamed to the Titans), then the other way around the Detroit Pistons and the Houston Rockets worked just as well if not better than they did before

Love the Flames name.  No pretentions about being classy, just an obviously threatening and sort of ironically cool name, the way a hockey team should be (seriously, maple leafs?  What even is an oiler?).  I respect the Devils, Lightning, Predators, and Sharks names for the same reason

Other teams have cheerleaders?  I thought that was just a hockey thing in general, but I guess that's another thing to appreciate about the flames

  Give'r Terry aka Terry from FUBAR unofficial mascot

Is he even "unofficial" at this point?  He does videos for the flames pretty often.

Also yeah, greatest piece of Canadian media ever made, one of the guys is canonically a flames fan (meanwhile deaner is out bandwagoning the oilers in Quebec)

Yeah they've been an NHL team since 1970, it's a bit perplexing how often the leafs get chirped vs the Nucks when the Leafs have only got 3 years on them

The flames are very much a "hometown team".  We aren't really thought about outside of Calgary, because we're not really a famous city, we don't have a long history like the original six, we don't have a historic dynasty or any mega-superstars so we never got a lot of fans from out of province like the oilers or pens.  We have a dedicated fanbase that, to me, feels more authentic than a lot of other places, especially since we're a traditional hockey market and the Flames are very much "Calgary's team", unlike a lot of American teams where the NHL has to compete with the NBA, MLB, and/or NFL (and always loses, the Lightning are the only team in the US that's more popular than another major team in the same city, and that's because the Lightning have won back to back cups in the last 5 years).  We also do have history, it's just a history that's not really thought about by anyone who's not a flames fan.    

 Basically, if you're outside Calgary and see someone wearing a Flames hat, there's an instant kinship.      

Another note, basically everything I said also applies to the Jets (though the blue bombers are arguably as popular as the jets), and to a degree the Canucks (who are from a more famous city, but haven't won a cup) and the Blue Jackets (though nobody in Columbus cares about the blue jackets, and they don't have much of a history as far as I know)     

Also, superficial stuff: the Battle of Alberta is one of the best rivalries in sports (and we're the less popular team of the two, so we feel like the underdog), tickets to games are super cheap compared to basically every other Canadian team, our jerseys/colours are and have been consistently some of the best in the league, Wolverine of Marvel Comics is canonically a flames fan, and we suck now but our GM is making moves so that we're much better in the next few years, so if you get in now you can avoid bandwagoner accusations

We don't have to take the projected 1oa.  Or we could, and flip him for assets.  Or we could trade the pick for assets and take someone else as well

This is why hockey players are typically so fuckin' stupid.  Why study or build good habits when you're guaranteed to be a multimillionaire by the time you're 19?

When I lived in Calgary I'd get annoyed by Torontonians complaining about how western games start at a time appropriate for locals.  Now I'm a flames fan in Toronto feeling the pain

Lindros and Fox are completely different situations.  Lindros refused to play in Quebec because Marcel Aubut is a scumbag.  Fox refused to play anywhere except new York because Adam Fox is a scumbag.  At least the Nordiques were able to use Lindros as trade leverage, Fox would only play for one team so getting him in a trade was worthless

Game in Toronto is on St Patrick's, goddammit nosebleeds will be a grand a seat

everyone on the roster way over performs and then we just barely miss the playoffs

Literal nightmare scenario

It's bad for players and teams - players get lowballed because they're not gonna get competing offers, and players can phone it in and know no other team is gonna take on their contract

I would be beyond shocked if we make playoffs next year

Vancouver from Calgary isn't too bad if you fly.  A few months ago there was a news story about a UBC student who lived with his parents in Calgary and commuted to Vancouver to save on rent

It doesn't help that the Canadian tourism industry tries as hard as it can to homogenize the country.  If you took what the ads showed, you'd think Niagara Falls, Moraine Lake, the Bay of Fundy, and L'Anse Aux Meadows are all an hour's drive from one another

New copypasta just dropped

New Yorkers act entitled, more at 9

Nah.  I don't think signing big names is the move right now (if he even wants to sign with us)