'23 Breakout 117

Oh look, another black street glide!

Wish I could say something to make you feel better but I can’t.

2023 Breakout 117

Who the fuck cares? Do you post everything online?

So stay on the website and stop bitching over here? I don’t know what else to tell you.

2023 Breakout 117

Maybe your boyfriend can help you get over your fear.

'23 Breakout 117

My two cents: I had a ‘20 Softail slim. It was nimble. It was quick. It was fun. Loved it, however, I didn’t realize how cramped I was until I got my breakout. I’m only 5’8 with a 31” inseam. Dragging the floorboards also sucked too.

Now I just drag pegs and have way less of a lean angle but I sacrificed it for that ass 😂

Dude owes 30k on a 2019. No way in hell is he going to take 1.9 for 36 months.

'23 Breakout 117

Everyone getting so defensive over the “get a bigger bike” comments.

“NoT eVeRyOnE wAnTs A gEeZeR gLiDe”

Hey, dumbasses, bigger bike doesn’t mean you have to go to a touring frame.

2023 Limited

Probably the best purchase I have made in a long time. My 86lb dog now rides in the back seat of my 3rd gen comfortably without the whining and anxiety. I’m sure it would fit in a 2nd gen too.

Edit: also, you don’t have to lay the seats down for this product.

Back Seat Extender

I see your muscle shirt came today. Muscles coming tomorrow?