Please don’t say it’s because he’s black. It’s just you’re really bad at Geography. Right?

Sure, 1000x less likely to be believed because I’m not CONVICTED of sex assault. Neither was I on Epstein’s plane, nor have I been accused by 34? Other women. I also did not walk through the teen Mrs America contest while under age girls were undressed, or sleep with a porn star & pay her hush money (it’s like there’s a pattern here)!

Why wasn’t he tried? Oh— because she dropped the suit due to death threats….

Just because it’s been smothered doesn’t make it NOT true.

Fu—- vote for him because the other choice is the end to Democracy.

Hope Hicks’ testimony of what she heard on the Oval Office, his Tweets while prez.

I doubt this was a regular occurrence before nylon (or whatever they use now). Can they be made out of something biodegradable?

The NYT editor hates Biden & will publish 30 articles on his age, but none on felon Trump.