True but wasn’t my point, the point was there’s far more people laid off in the trades then they want us to think there is. It’s a false shortage to bring more people here to drive down wages

I for one would like to welcome our new snail overlords

They claim the trades are short workers, we put up an ad and received 117 resumes in the first 2 hours, many of them not working right now. Someone is lying…..

Settle down there big spender the irony in your comment is most likely lost on ya……

Ya but you Lucio mains are a different breed lol

Hope he gets the chance to find out martial arts won’t do shit in a prison

Ya give your money to a small developer that deserves it, these guys clearly don’t

I remember seeing squinty here before, would be a shame to see him under some truck tires

Never paid for a skin and never will

Yes, last time I used a trail that usually you don’t see anyone is now beaten down, garbage on the ground, trees broken and several people around. They can have it, I will drive a little further and hike a little longer going forward so it doesn’t feel like I’m in a city park. Don’t get me wrong I feel everyone is entitled to go, just for me personally I tend to hate any crowd or line up.

Which side is that? Tell me which one you support, the ones raping and murdering teens at a festival or the ones bombing kids in their beds………

Wait?!? She does comedy? She’s never been funny so how is this a thing

Sad fact: his base would happily allow him to sleep with their under age daughters

As it shouldn’t. I love the game too and play almost every day but I would take that as a “we don’t want or need your business”

Buy a new account!?!?? More like time to find a new game. No way I would ever support a company that banned me for no reason……

Hey kids, want to see a video on the definition of useless?