Tried at 1pm and it wasn't working. Read somewhere it was on their end. Now 5:30 and still not working, can't sign in. Hopefully it will be fixed soon. I have Mask to get and players to help lol. Didn't do much on my Bd yesterday, got not 1 gift so figured today I'd play 76 but nope. My day started off frustrating so let's just make it worse lol. Hopefully they'll get it going soon.

Tried playing at 1pm and it wouldn't let me sign in. Read somewhere that is was on their end so did some other thing's. Now it's 5:26 and it's still not up and running? Some people don't have much time to play and still pay for their service and then not being able to play when they finally get the time would be very frustrating. Hopefully they'll get it going soon.

People may laugh but I always get Remarkable Herb's. 8 oz for $35. Sold everywhere, Cheap. Not near the best but not the worse and always Consistent. I constantly hear that some Kratom is so much better but I'd really like to know how much better? Remarkable Herbs always work well for me. I would like to try some that is so much better but it's hard to know the truth. Any suggestions? Thanks.

I pay $35 for 250g 8 oz. But it's Remarkable Herb's. Not near the best but not the worst, cheap and always Consistent.

I know I'm late but I normally get the 8 oz for $35. It's not the best but not the worst but the quality is always the same. It's called Remarkable Herb's. Also very Cheap.

Thank goodness I brought a load of Ammo, brought Pepper Shaker with 600 rounds and Foundation Vengeance with 3000 rounds but still ran out then used the good ol Plasma Cutter to finish him off. At first I thought the game was glitched lol. Now time to spend hour's replacing all my Ammo or just buy it from someone.

Does anyone know if the Grenade or explosion Perks help with this weapon or any explosion Weapon. Kind of a new Player. Lvl 100 but still feel like a rookie lol. Thanks.

I know I'm a bit late. I'm seeing people say the film had such a deep meaning? People basically being forgotten or not searched for correctly because we all have Job's to do and orders to take but does every film have to be such a damn Art piece. I miss the old school horror. Just plain get to the point and do what you have to do.

Depends where it's runs to. Probably Sunfish, Catfish, little Bass, probably Carp. If there is a small area that has any water action would be the best place to try. Good luck.

Please help! I'm trying to figure out what is the Mini yellow bar inside the Power armor damage yellow box? There is yellow box that shows the damage of you're Armor then inside that box is a smaller yellow meter? I've looked everywhere and can't find anything. Thanks so much.

Can someone please help. What is the mini yellow bar in PA damage bar? There's one yellow box that's shows the damage of you're Power Armor then inside that box is small yellow bar, what does that do? Thanks.

Yes, Commercial Watermen here from Maryland. We used Eel pot's. All the Watermen used to use them for bait for trout lining for Crabs but the price skyrocketed. Now they are way to expensive to use for bait but I'm sure some still use Eel pot's to catch and sell. Also getting a TFL ( tidal fishing lic) is very difficult and are very Costly. Most Watermen had them passed down from Parents or you're on a very long waiting list and be prepared to pay around 10k depending on what Permit comes with it.

I've had the same Xbox1S not series S since release and I smoke near it, so do other's and it still works fine. I'd hate to see it on the inside but it's not loud at all, still runs like the day we bought it. Maybe that's what is holding it together lol. I was good at taking apart PCs back in the day but that was a decades ago so I worry if I take the Xbox apart it's gonna do more harm then good. I keep reading stories about people who don't smoke say after a few year's their Xbox broke because of just dust or grime and I just don't believe it. Many of my friends Smoke and I've always had a Console for everyone to play on and every Console I had last me a decade except the 1 Old Xbox 360 with the ROD that was about 5 year's old but I still have a old Xbox 360 that still works and people chained smoked feet from it for year's and it still works. I'm not saying it's good for a Console especially the fan but I must be super lucky or a lot of people are just Bull S. I'm not trying to start a argument about smoking near Electronics because I know it's not good but it's never once caused my Console to stop working. Sometimes I think it may just add a layer off protection lol.

Please help. I'm a new player, level 60 and I'm a hoarder. I pick up everything to scrap, and drop it off at whatever bench I find to keep from carrying it all yet when I go to make a simple weapon and upgrade it I'm out of screws or something? I don't understand this. I'd figured I'd scrap so much I wouldn't have to worry about running out of material's. I keep hearing that any bench you scrap material's in it automatically goes to you're benches. Is this true? I can't see how I can't make one whole weapon or Armor build without running out of something. I'd be very thankful for a reply.

I grew up on a 2 mile Island in Maryland and worked the Water Commercially most of my life and also Fished for pleasure after work. I remember just a few decades ago there wasn't any. I heard of rare catches from the next County because the water is more Brackish there but you had a higher chance of catching a Albino Crab lol. Now they are everywhere. That Fish is a Predator like no other and so Hardy that it can't be stopped. Not gonna lie though some of the color variants are beautiful. My Brother and I also had many Aquarium's growing up and I do remember buying Fish and there in the background was this little tiny Fish that wasn't supposed to be there and I always wondered what people did if one accidentally got in the Tank lol. Guess this is how it all got started. From being a helpless baby the size of a Tadpole to it's Goliath final form is outrageous and hard to fathom.

What! There is no PA display? That sucks. Most other survival games I play do. Conan, Valheim. FO4, it's one of the thing's people like to do most. Maybe Im wrong and you can?

I'd get Simple and try a midsized plastic Grub, anything will go after them. If not you might want to try natural live Bait from around that area. Good luck.

Most on here are naming more modern game's for like a Ps 2. If you want to play a good game that's just like a original Nintendo game I'd say try Vampire Survivers. It's on Game pass or you could buy it really cheap. Very addicting and very fun.

Tubi 100% free and especially if you like Horror. Beats all Streaming Channels even paid for.

Honestly 360 and PS2 was the best Consoles. 5 minutes out of the Box and you were Gaming. No long Install or a ton of Updates. No Internet required and some of the Best game's. Dev's really made some great game's then and really cared about their work. Today it's more about profit then anything and that's ashame. I still have two 360s stored away for when the Internet is down. I have a all Green Halo Console but not sure which one. Picked it up in someone's Trash year's ago and it worked.

Can't beat the fun you have catching them with light tackle. Nice Catch!

Cut the meat up in chunk's, season like Chicken and make some Catfish Nuggets. Theirrrrrr great!

I'm not, he went in when he was 18 and was very skinny, came out at 26. He was 5,8. He didn't look like the same person. No steroids at all. He went from not eating to eating 3 meal's and had plenty other thing's to eat and worked out a lot.

Truthfully a Plastic Grub, anything will hit it and you can see what all's out there.

Being a Fishermen for many year's I'd have to say my Mother n law.