🙄 “how dare people different than me deserve equal rights”

I’m sorry but that’s a load of crap. The watermark is right there. Go back to where you “saved” (read: stole) them from and credit the photog.

That is better than nothing but it still supplies no effort to credit the photographer for their work. If you’re going to take the time to rip the photo off the Internet somewhere, you can take an extra 3 seconds to find out who took it. I know who took it, I was standing 2 feet away from the guy who shot these.

Yeah I mean I get your point but an Iranian operated 70’s manufacture date helictoper with dubious maintenance and parts of questionable origin, suspect pilot training, and no go/no go ability for the flight crew vs a HMX-1 white top are pretty much opposite ends of the helicopter spectrum. A US VIP would absolutely be safe in a helicopter in Seattle.

They would inconvenience 3 or 4 airports worth of traffic though. It’s inconvenient any way you slice it.

Not weird at all, happens all the time going into SEA, it’s just a delay vector.

Which is a 747-400, or a 744. 22 was once upon a time the Boeing customer code for United (original operator of this aircraft).

What’s your goal with the photos?

They do technically work…sorta. Good quality? Not really.

Backlit: sun is facing your camera instead of being behind it. Notice how the light is really poor and the entire aircraft is in a shadow? This is not fixable, so try to pick a different image with better light.

Soft: no definition to the details, lacking a “crisp” look to the subject

Contrast: kinda self-explanatory, the light and dark tones appear “flat” and lacking well, contrast

Dust spots: there is dust from the sensor (most probably) visible on the image, fairly easy to remove in an editing software

You’re right, indeed they theoretically can, though I’m not aware of any operator using that capability operationally.

The RAF definitely doesn’t, and at least some of their A400’s have had the plumbing for such a role removed. I know, for sure, it wasn’t a tanker.

Is this a celebration of Canadian Geese? If it is, they really oughta have it at Rainier Vista at UW.

Yeah that happens from time to time. People more experienced with the nuances of tracking can explain it better than I can

I mean you have a valid point but you could be less of a d!ck about it

Correct, the duplicate entry with the squawk is usually a ways behind but it depends on a bunch of factors. Tracking accuracy for military stuff is better on adsb

They are super common, you’ll see one most days on the trackers

Duplicate targets. ZSE is the Seattle ARTCC code, and then the 4 digits are their squawk code. Happens on fr24 with a lot of USN aircraft as you stated

A400’s aren’t capable of being tankers, so no. Something else going on here. Also well below standard ranking altitude and not the typical pattern.