Cuz it’s 6 futures. A milestone. And it grows after that.

10+ years in Japan

I get a ¥ 215,000 a month teaching gig.

Live under the bridge.

Combine breakfast, lunch and dinner onigiri. Bag of chips and a tall boy beer once in awhile.

Then prowl around outside restaurants with patios cuz Japanese always leave “Enryo na kata mari” slices of pizza or karage. Chow that then blaze.

Any bill that comes in that they didn’t take the time to translate into English? Rubbish!! I mean if it was really important and needed to be payed they would have translated it for me? Right!?

Living the dream! Foot in the door!!


I’m just here for the “it’s not an in demand Rolex” comments.

My first trip there.

My first day. I’m getting a foot massage.

Guy in the chair next to me.

German guy : “Your first time here?”

Me : “Yea.”

Him : “My 43rd time.” “Let me know if you want to know where the best blowjob is.” “The best steak.”

Me : “Ummm, thanks.”

Couldn’t wait for my foot massage to end.

I’ll live in BGC.

Nowhere else.

Hard pass.

Lost me in the first 15 seconds of the video.

About as annoying as going to see the Christmas tree light up in pioneer square.

Complete madhouse.

Outstanding update. Praying for your continued success!

The homeless industrial complex in Multnomah county seems to hoard the taxpayers money like it’s their pot of gold.

Pass out some tents and “harm reduction kits” to drug addicts but not really step up to the plate for well meaning people in need like you. Just to get you in the zone to start fresh and move forward.

Really happy for you! Keep it up!

If you are a veteran arrange through VFW 2485 in Angeles City to bury you and give you an internment ceremony at the US/Philippines veteran cemetary there.

God sent his son Jesus to take away your sins.

Being ashamed is good. It means you feel a need to repent.

But God forgives you.

I like black. And the red hand. That’s my choice.

Also the most comfortable Rolex I’ve ever worn.

They do.

They could radio it in.

This is a nonsense article.

They can call for immediate priority assistance on their pac set radios.

Yea Brother. Happy 4th!
