Bro you didn’t destroy anyone, all you did was list a medication I take. 😂

I am implying that you are very beautiful and should be more confident and not listen to people calling you names

I take Zoloft for medical reasons. This is coming from the guy on the boykisser subreddit. Fucking retard 😂 Your Reddit comment history shows you posting every minute. Go touch some grass little bro

Edit: also you’re a fucking loser. You actually read my entire comment history for this? Probably haven’t showered in weeks as well I assume.

Bro you’re fifteen. Shut your bitchass up and go play Minecraft or something.

It shows that your brain may be smoother than my ballsack

Jesus Christ maybe read the manual or watch a video. If you need to make a post about something as simple as fan mounting then you’re probably gonna fuck something important up.

Bro how smooth is your brain? It’s an optical illusion.

Did you ever consider maybe not aiming at the part with the lowest profile?

So I get to live a below average lifespan and I get to be bored 8 hours a night? Wowie it’s gonna be a real shame when the 60 years runs out and I need to kill myself

I’ve gotten a book of books, an epic book, a common book, and a whole lot of other shit. Most days I just get decent stuff.

You should plug your meat into a wall outlet

Complete horseshit. I’m seen better work from an inbred malformed toddler. You should be absolutely ashamed of yourself.

Any enemy troop that isn’t already a skeleton, plus maybe spawn two skellies at once instead of the normal one.

Thank god for the tubes cause that thang ugly as shit without them. Cool build bro

Definitely needs an HP nerf or a slower fire rate or something. Don’t even get me started on the void spell lmao. That thing is 100% getting nerfed soon, I think they’re just making their money rn.

But how does this make it any different? Now we are all stuck playing the same beat down or drill decks. I have no issues with gameplay variation but this is just the other side of the coin. Dagger duchess is objectively the strongest tower troop and until she gets a nerf and a reduced usage rate, deck variety will suffer. All Supercell has done is shift a meta so people need to pay to max whole new decks and evolutions. It’s exhausting that the game takes the little you have and turns it into less.