Actually, Crockett didn’t specify MTG. She asked for clarification as to what would happen if a representative were to refer to another representative as a bleach-blond butch built body,…I guess Greene felt that description matched her

Umm, vast majority of “boomers” are retired, so unlikely to be in work attire. From your account, the person was at minimum a boor, however you are making an assumption about his generation. 1963 is generally seen as the last year of the baby boom. So aged 60-61 and up at this point.

I think “most Canadian” headline recently is

Where else do people rely on dams constructed by beavers to protect them from flooding?

Going no contact; the millennial go-to. Suspect your Mum is better off being no contact with a person who refers to her as an “idiotic cunt”. No doubt you’ll be first in line when she dies screaming for your inheritance though.

I realize this sub is an echo chamber, but honestly I’d be embarrassed to post the pathetic stuff I’ve read on here.

Maybe try taking responsibility for your own self now you’re an adult instead of trying to lay blame on just about anyone else.

Looks pretty nice right now, to be honest. Obviously tidy off the lawn furniture and sweep the stones. A few planters of annuals for colour.

I think many people would be happy with the bones of this garden.

Approximately one in ten US “boomers” served in Vietnam, only to come home and be treated like crap. So “Okay Millennial”

It varies person to person. Both of my parents emigrated from Liverpool, UK, to Canada. My mother’s accent stayed with her til the day she died. My father’s would only slightly re-emerge when family from overseas visited. Apart from a few quirks such as how he pronounced aluminum, he spoke like most Canadians in our region (Ontario).

Funny thing; I never really thought my Mum had an accent until I was at a part-time job and they had the radio on. It was a call-in show. My Mum called in to share her opinion. I recognized my mother’s voice, but heard her “accent” for the first time that day.

I’m trying to understand why anyone would feel threatened by a person of any gender wearing a dress? They’re wearing clothing. What’s the problem?

His is this even a question? How can anything that spews out of orange sewer hole’s mouth help anything?

Sadly, there may be children who are vaccinated or whose vaccines have been rendered useless due to chemotherapy who might die from measles too.

All these anti-vaxx morons have reduced the herd immunity that protected those the vaccine did not.

It makes me very angry to think responsible parent’s children are being put at unnecessary risk by these truly selfish and thoughtless people.

Your husband is right. I mean, honestly, why would you build such a massive playset for one single two year old?

I speak from experience. My son was diagnosed with a severe leukemia age 3. His treatment often left him with very low to no immunity against even mild but common illnesses. Chicken Pox would have been fatal. So we couldn’t go to public playgrounds anymore, as there was no way to know if the kids playing there were even vaccinated, let alone healthy.

Our son loved climbing and sliding. Make A Wish asked him what he wanted, and it was a playground. I have to say, the folks who built it pulled out all the stops. It was awesome with a spiral slide, climbing wall, tire swing and fireman’s pole. More than we expected.

But a playground is no fun without other people to play with. Our neighbours knew our situation. They were so awesome, calling to check if our son’s “counts” were good enough so their kids could come play. We were very grateful; not just to make-a-wish, but to the parents who understood why our child had this wonderful, but sometimes lonely playground.

So your son has a great playground and apparently lots of kids to share it with. That’s really what playgrounds are about. There’s no teeter without a totter. You swing higher when someone pushes you. Sliding down a fireman’s pole is only cool if someone else saw you do it.

As I said in a previous post. It won’t be long and you will miss the sound of those kids having fun. Your son is only two; so maybe hasn’t got the idea of friends yet. By five, he will. The playset will help him find those friends. Be kind.

Edit to add my son is now a full grown playful adult. He’s currently recovering from a BMX accident, but is financially stable and has not just family, but many friends, who are there for him while he recovers.

He really doesn’t need to ask. President Joe Biden is President to all USA, and will take care of Texans. Pre-Trump, this was true of all US Presidents. How your state voted did not affect how your state was treated in emergencies. I’m Canadian, over 60, and I know this. How the hell have so many US people developed amnesia? I’ve even heard that some Trump supporters now where diapers to show their support. Is this really true? It sounds so absurd.

Sorry, it’s kinda hard being your neighbour sometimes.

Does your son enjoy the other children? That’s actually all that matters. Trust me, in a few years none of these children would be caught dead on a playset.

My guess is that in five to seven years you will be so sad that no children play on the playset. You will miss their joyful squeals and laughter. You will miss having your son so close by.

Your wife has raised your children for you and supported you in your career for fourteen years or more. Now that she is spending time fulfilling her dreams, you suddenly assume she is a potential adulteress.

It speaks volumes that you immediately assume that people of different genders can’t possibly just be friends.

YTA. Your wife has been nothing but a good wife to you. Time for you to man up and be a good husband to her. She’s allowed to have friends. She’s allowed to succeed. Wake up bud, or you will find yourself alone, entirely due to your own attitudes.

To all saying how the South is rising again; remember you’re the ones letting them. Check yourselves. Check what makes you think it’s okay to dehumanize any ethnicity or religion? What makes you think you are superior to any person regardless of gender or sexual orientation?

You have a vote. Use it.

It’s already been envisioned and described in the sci-fi book Feed, by M.T. Anderson. Released in 2002.

Fluoride works. I have two Grandkids who lived out of province also have cavities while their cousins in province don’t.

I have a wood stove and a wood lot. No one rings a tree like that. Three to four inch debarking about a one and a half foot above the ground. Also called girdling.

So wholesome publicly acknowledging their mother’s efforts to give them joy. What a wonderful new adult!

You could ask if they might be open to softening the sound by wrapping the clappers in cloth or knit bags or bubble wrap. You do have a right to the peaceful enjoyment of your home. Explain that their wind chimes are affecting your employment, and see if they’d be open to a compromise of muffling them during your work week. Do this in writing. If they refuse to meet you halfway, then complain to your by-law officer, especially if you can provide email evidence that the chimes are causing you difficulty with work. Your efforts to find a compromise will immediately put enforcement on your side.

Did boyfriend grow up in an area without fluoridated water? I ask as my eldest sister did not have fluoridated water. My brother & I, 9 & 5 years younger always did. She’s always been fastidious about her dental care, us, not so much. But she has had so many cavities & root canals, it’s really not fair. I see the same dentist and it’s “wow you have such healthy teeth.” Brother is the same but sees a different dentist as he now lives further away.

Yes. I’d report it. I strongly suspect this is a protected tree that happens to be in the way of something he wants to do. Woodcutters “ring” trees they plan to harvest the next year, but it doesn’t look like this. (Ringing the tree by taking a circle of bark off near the base, kills the tree and starts the drying process)