Since I only ever went as an adult the most I ever had to deal with were my kids antics or screaming. I don't even care, but getting singled out and told to leave is always a little embarrassing. Meanwhile everyone is dancing, screaming in tongues, or wiggling on the floor. But somehow my kid walking around and laughing around other kids is "distracting."

Also once wore a pagan metal shirt. I meant to change but simply had no time.

My mom always took delight in telling me there were bugs mashed up in our bread.

I'm really sorry for your experience. I wish you all the strength in the world for your healing. 

It will never be the way it was before, but slowly you will be able to live again. Whatever it was that you enjoyed can be yours to enjoy again. Any anxiety or fear you feel in your daily routine will become less debilitating and less of a burden.

It can't be rushed. It's on your time.

Intimacy is on many levels. Number one is confiding in and supporting each other.

I also really liked the parade scene with how the parade was happening and you could just run around.

Most MMOs.

Get this: you spend many hours day working out to get stronger, trading goods to make money, and even investing in real estate.

But it's not real, it's just virtual. You put real money in and get play money out. It's really fun!

Actually being around church lovers and reading the Bible. I always had this idea in my mind that Christianity was all about love.

Their reality is that we're all born garbage and there is no hope for us but to accept Christ as our lord, master and most importsnt thing in the universe.

Your deeds don't matter, only your devotion. That just doesn't resonate with me.

That's kind of cute actually. It's like a soft rewind. I'll try it :)

4yo is constantly inconsolable over very minor thingsChild 4-9 Years

My 4yo boy is very smart and has a great sense of humor. But when he has a plan and encounters ANY deviation, he starts bawling for hours.

For example: mommy helped him blow his nose instead of daddy. Or stopping on the way to the gas station on the way to the playground when he wanted to go to the playground first.

At that point, he's completely inconsolable and demands doing the whole day over. "I want to redo everything!" He'll be so focused on screaming and crying he even neglects using the bathroom, crossing his legs until he calms down.

We can't just go back in time or restart our whole day from 0. Eventually he calms down. But it's getting ridiculous.

Anyone deal with something like this? Any advice to help him learn to go with the flow?

It's a very neat and useful item. It's not required but it helps guarantee an attack at every opportunity and it spreads more damage than a perfect timed hit would. It also stacks with attack boost.

Rock candy does twice the base damage and also stacks with attack boost. You can farm that from the mushroom boy in seaside town. I'd say do what is less tedious to you. The "look the other way" game is probably the most annoying content in the entire game.

I'm not sure how much rock candy you can stack at once. You'll eventually move to focused attacks and heals in the fight anyway as the crystals are defeated.

This. Sometimes they block your field of vision from other cars. I took the peer pressure once and just barely noticed another car coming in a different lane. 

By the same token: just because you blocked one lane doesn't mean cars stopped in the other lane.

Hingashi from FF14. My shirogane apartment is something I really miss from the game.

This is definitely "check with a lawyer" territory.

"charges were dropped" does that mean that the arrest was sealed? It's important that things like this are expunged properly. A lawyer would know better if your particular charge(s) fall under anything that would cause you trouble.

If you're not currently under any kind of restraining order and the arrest was sealed, then I'd say your chances of an FID are pretty high. Generally convictions are what get you disqualified. Otherwise people would lose their rights without even having a chance to defend themselves.

One of my least favorite things about Christianity.

Not a day goes by that I don't tell my kids they were born perfect. They don't need to be saved from anything.

How the eff can you love Jesus more?Rant

Recently my wife and I reminisced about the birth of our children.

The sheer amazement we felt first seeing their heartbeat on the ultrasound. Really working as a team to prepare for baby. Going through so many hours of labor together. So many sleepless nights the first few months.

Forever remembering every early word and smile. The sheer love in their eyes everytimr they needed a hug. Babies following us around the house like little ducklings.

Going through all that, my wife can still look at me with a straight face and say "I love God first."


"I love Jesus more. I still love you, though."

How can you go through all the pain of carrying and caring for a child and still love Jesus more?

It's one thing for the husband to take third seat. But the kids! It's effing bonkers.

They're all wonderful in their own ways, but I have to echo the love for Rinoa. Yuna's also adorable.

Aerith though... in the remake she's absolutely stunning. Literally, even. When she comes out in her dress cloud is taken aback!

Edea is one of the most unique and strikingly beautiful female characters. That cutscene with her amazing flowing hair is permanently engraved in my brain. She makes quite an entrance and show of power as well.

In general the FF girls have a wholesome beauty to them with good character development.

Pagans don't believe in the devil and thus can't be possessed by it.

Paganism is a very wide umbrella. Some people may believe in spiritual/psychic/etc. attacks and can attest to experiencing them.

I'm happier now not practicing anything. Like Christianity, there is a lot in paganism and the occult that people can use to avoid their problems. But generally, being pagan doesn't automatically mean you're happy or depressed.

It's so bizarre when evangelicals say "America/the constitution was built on biblical values" when it's not even close. But I guess if you haven't read either it doesn't matter.

I often heard our pastor encourage people to vote "for the parry that supports biblical values." Which again is silly. 

But in some warped way, they are still vaguely rational actors voting based on what's most important to them. Honoring God, or at least having a stereotype of honoring God, is what's most important to them.

It's not lost on democrats. They also appeal to churchgoers during elections. They'll start visibly going to church every week or talking about their faith more. 

Unfortunately both parties try to maintain a stereotype of supporting specific hot issues so that single issue voters clearly divide one way or the other. 

Really it's "something is forcing me to read the Bible and everyone should read it too!"

Always vote when possible, even when it's not an emergency. This is how we avoid emergencies.

This a million times. The local elections have way more direct impact on your day-to-day life, yet they paradoxically divert attention to federal elections when something's going wrong.

Ironically, gamification. Rewards and incentives for every single thing you do, including just logging in and clicking buttons.

Sometimes it's helpful, but you can't ignore it sometimes because you'll be a disadvantage against other players.

This usually goes hand-in-hand with paid DLC or pay-to-win. The more you log in and click around, the more likely you'll see an ad for something and buy something.

Honestly I find a turkey sandwich (with mayonnaise) to be extremely satisfying. Could happily eat it every day.

It's almost like a retcon. In Genesis there's no real clarity, just that they were so sinful they had to be destroyed. To the point that not even 10 people in the whole city were redeemable.

I guess they interpret the lustful mob as sexual degeneracy which they equate with homosexuality.

Honestly it's anyone's guess. It was just a terrible place to be full of awful people. Whatever that means.