Awwww. I love you. I'm a vegetarian but never thought about that before.

Ha ha ha LOL 😆

Good grief. I've been waiting to share this story. So stupid and out of character for me. Typically extremely professional and responsible.

After a year removed, I realized I didn't actually love my job, as I thought. And, realized I had no business working at the time to begin with. Was dealing with a cancer diagnosis and depression at the time.

Had already worked my hours for the week. Boss was out of town. So I took it upon myself to WFH that day and spend a few hours of that glorious day in the sun.

SHOULD have not attended that optional Zoom meeting, but did anyway with my camera off.

Hit the camera ON button accidentally and had the best worst shot of my chest in a bathing suit hit the screen.

Lost my job the next week when boss got back, after HR rep on the call busted me out.

Other fur babies? No other fur babies allowed to join the gang?

Fireworks, for me. My babies are terrified. Puppy burritos himself between us as hard and close as possible. Kitty goes to her bomb shelter. I don't care how pretty they are. I refuse to watch.