For entertainment: Chelsea. To set up a real contender: Zoey

All the others don't need it.

Yes. And they are all nicknamed "Red".

What he tried to do was angle it like illegal immigration is hurting Black employment in particular and that is not the case. Now after his comment, different corners of the Black community are either clowning the comment or are talking about how offensive it was.

So Trump was saying that Black people occupy very low level jobs, right?

He said that because he heard Drake was a FAN

I've been reading about how the 2025 project may end up being a liability for Trump and it looks like his team is starting to feel that easy also

Why would Harris be on board for someone just taking the top spot instead of her. If I'm Harris, no way I go for that.

Look, if Harris got passed over for someone else, you will have an instant problem with Black voters. Democrats are already on shaky ground with Black voters who have started to feel like unwavering support for Democrats has not translated into the opportunities and representation it probably should have. We have already seen some Black voters peel off. This move that some of you are proposing with someone leap frogging Harris could expedite that migration.

It really seems like Trish didn't really "get it" in terms of putting on matches until after she retired.

Other characters had visible veins also

I rarely see people mention that Kolin's hair glowed which was a cool subtle feature

A book of "artistic nudes of children" for one.

"Tales". The two women he was married to basically said the marriages were sexless.

Your argument is that he didn't touch any kids because there are kids that he did not touch?

Michael Jackson literally did everything that would be considered a red flag for someone being a pedophile. People ain't trying to hear that though because he made Thriller.

That's a man wondering if his friends are going to show up or what.

That is a risky bet. Robins tend to only show up if Batman is preoccupied.

Kinda changes the whole meaning of your statement 😂

Her "gimmick" seems to just be who she is.