If he ever went into the Doctor's prior, he has a record of it in their files and she would have a record of NOT having it. lol

Speak for yourself. lmao

I'm 100% healthy, doctor's words, comes with the territory of not sticking my dick in a diseased cooch.

Oh no, I've been revealed to be an honest asshole. lol I don't know how I will be able to handle such judgement from some random nobody on the internet. It's almost like I don't give a shit.

Fallout 4 has base building, a fully voiced cast, better graphics and a better combat system.

Fallout New Vegas has multiple factions which you can use to shape the wasteland into however you want, varied dialogue options that are more than just "Yes, No, Sarcastic Yes, Jerkass no" and overall has a better story.

It's all about what you want from the series. One is an action/survival game with RPG elements, the other is an RPG with action/survival elements.

Before people say that's the same thing: Nate and Nora are preset characters that you can simply rename and give a little plastic surgery, there's very little customization that actually happens to them and they have a preset backstory, which sacrifices alot of those RPG aspects. Courier 6 is a blank slate from the very beginning and can be whoever you want, with only little bits of their history ever being told, thus adding more to the RPG aspect. They offer very different things, and ultimately both are better at certain things over the other. Personally, I say New Vegas is better, since the RPG aspect is the part I liked the most about Fallout, but that's just my opinion.

Lol Yes they can, and you should be. Next time don't be a jackass and conceal STDs from your sexual partner.

YTA, this shouldn't even be a question and you need to knock that shit off.

You do realize that cats are carnivorous, right? They are predators, they have to eat meat in order to obtain the nutrients they need to stay alive. By forcing them to eat a vegan diet, you are damaging their organs and their health, which will put them in an early grave. You are literally killing your boyfriend's cat, stop trying to justify it with those stupid "but they look healthy" comments.

Not even humans are meant to be on a vegan diet, as we are omnivorous and vegan diets do not have enough nutrients for a healthy diet (NIH themselves have an entire study on it). So if it's that bad for us, what in the flying fuck makes you think an animal that strictly eats meat, evolved to eat ONLY meat, would be healthy in a plant-based diet?

Don't take it from me, go talk to the vet for confirmation. They'll set you straight in a heartbeat.

Anyone will also tell you, the Mario movie has virtually no story and is solely carried by the references.

I agree with you overall on this topic, but let's not pretend that movie was anything more than mediocre. It made money, because Mario is a world famous character and franchise, not because the movie was anything special. Fallout however chose to weave in the game's mechanics into the story, with the story standing as the centerpiece of it all, rather than relying on those references to sell the show. THAT is what we should be pushing for instead.

House is the most dangerous option. We've already seen in Fallout 3 what happens when someone gains that kind of power and goes on for too long playing god.

Hint: It was a simulation mission based on I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream.

"Downhill" is a nice way to put it. I'd say it's more like "dropped off the fucking face of Mount Everest". It cannot be understated just how dumb it becomes.


Sounds like you majored at working for Starbucks.

EDIT: Keep the downvotes coming. It's not my fault you chose a terrible degree to pursue that leads absolutely nowhere. lmao

You do know where you are, right?

Good ol' hipster logic. Here I thought that died out in the late 2000s.

Lol Clearly you didn't understand the 'why' they were doing that. It's a representation of Absurdism, Nihilism and Existentialism. It's dumb, intentionally, and the movie points out that concept repeatedly. It didn't win awards for nothing.

Oh my bad, I thought you were saying OP needed proof. You are indeed correct. lol That's what I get for doing my work late at night and browsing Reddit at the same time.

One thing that should be noted though, the SA needs to be reported to authorities immediately. If it was caught on camera, that could easily be really damaging to any case the company has against OP.

There's no job in any At-Will states that can reject you for unemployment if you've been fired for "poor performance". "Poor performance" is the equivalent to saying "it didn't work out, so we let you go", which is regarded as a valid reason to receive unemployment (it's just like being Laid off). Now if they said OP was "insubordinate", that could create quite a few problems to which they'd have to prove their innocence.

Since the company is refusing to work with OP, they have grounds to take legal action and definitely should.

(Company I worked for was going under, so they thought they were sly and could force employees out by treating them terribly to save money. I didn't play their game, they got mad and so I forced them to fire me by being the most smug asshole you've ever met, which infuriated them. Later on they tried to say I was the 'worst employee', blah blah blah, stupid shit. So I found out later they rejected my unemployment and that I was fired for insubordination, to which I had proof against and of their harassments through the security cameras. Long story short, went up into that office with my Lawyer on the phone and scared the piss out of the owner; especially when I brought up how they were in a negative income already and that if they didn't cooperate, I'd sue the absolute shit out of them. Said it with a smile too, just to let them know who won. That was a nice day, I didn't even have to bring up the safety violations on some of the machines either. lol)

It might, it's been a while since I've played New Vegas, so my memory is a tad fuzzy. So yeah, you are probably correct.

Looting. Sierra Madre is full of stuff around every corner.

And if you are in the vault, you are already too late.

Get a Lawyer, take them to court and tell the SA to the police.

"Poor performance" is not a legal reason to withhold unemployment, even in At-Will states.

It's a scripted event, you weren't meant to use glitches to break out. That's all the patches did, the scripted stuff is still there and it's pretty easy to get all the loot out (once you know what to do).

You need a stealthboy, go behind the pillar just outside the entrance, wait for Elijah to go to the terminal and then sneak away. If done correctly, he'll trigger the trap as soon as you get away and lock himself inside.

What kind of idiotic strawman argument is that? Stop deflecting just because you can't come up with a legit counterpoint. lmao

NIH literally states that you don't get enough nutrients from a plant only diet, because once again, we are omnivorous and need to eat meat as well to gain those extra nutrients.

I base my morality on what keeps me alive. If I have to eat to stay alive, I will tear little Fido apart myself and cook him on an open stove. That's not evil, that's just nature. We might have a higher capacity of intelligence than the rest of the animals, but at the end of the day we are still animals just the same. The rules don't change for us just because we got bigger brains, and not eating animals doesn't make you righteous.

"Intake and status of vitamin B12, vitamin D, iron, zinc, iodine, calcium and bone turnover markers were generally lower in plant-based dietary patterns compared to meat-eaters. Vegans had the lowest vitamin B12, calcium and iodine intake, and also lower iodine status and lower bone mineral density." - National Institute of Health, in comparing the health of vegans to a regular person.

Alot of people that age still are. Hate to break it to you, but the economy isn't doing hot, housing prices are through the roof and not everyone is capable of getting them cozy nepotism jobs.

Counterpoint: Believing human life is more important and not equal to the rest of the animal kingdom, is highly narcissistic. We are NOT the center of the universe just because we are slightly smarter than the average bear, and you are not more special to me just because we are the same species.

"If you’re asking whether this was a story about right and wrong, the answer is; I don’t care….Cells consume, Morty. Life itself is wrong, and that means death is right. But you can’t side with that. So you live, even when it means eating. And Fred here really did it well." - Rick and Morty on the concept of the morality of eating.

Humans are omnivorous, we evolved to eat both plants and animals. Our bodies are dependent on the nutrients brought upon by, again, both plants AND animals. Do you see it as cruelty when a Coyote drags someone's pet Yorkie out on the lawn to tear it to pieces? Or is that just nature, the pecking order of the animal kingdom? Why aren't you outraged towards the predators of the world, killing all them sweet little innocent animals? Do you honestly not see the folly in this logic?

If we are going to bring up human cruelty, I'd like to bring up how it's not uncommon for a Kangaroo in Australia to break into people's yards just to kill their pets. There's no reasoning they do this, they are just naturally vicious animals, nature's serial killer.