Jinshi really only needs yuanwu at lvl1 - check out some youtube videos for a jinshi/yuanwu team and you’ll see why. Super low investment/easy to do and extremely strong. Taoqi is also good for her but you dont have her built so no worries there.

I would do:


Havoc Rover-Daijin-Jixian


This should be a perfectly fine team comp, you dont need to pull for anyone you dont want to

its a glass half full/half empty thing, there is no intrinsic benefit to delaying the rewards increase to a high level, especially considering we stop leveling when we hit a cap. The rewards we get at 50 might be the “target regular” rewards and the small bonus at 60 is just a little extra on top.

Look at it like this, if they set the rewards amount we get at 50 and move it to 60 and scale down all the previous rewards at earlier levels we wouldn’t be having this conversation it would be “no point farming at 50 wait till 60 since there is a big jump between 50 and 60”. Its all relative to what the “standard reward amount” is

This is a dumb take. I am a gold 3 player, which is basically the average player at this game so nothing special and is a great example of why you are wrong. English is my most common opponent, with 17 games against the them this season (next highest is french at 3). I have a 58.8% winrate against them, and a similar spread for my quick match games. They are a common opponent yes but are extremely manageable, acting like english is ruining the game is such a dumb opinion.

The game, in my opinion, is very fun right now and people spamming english does not ruin my fun - sounds like a skill issue more than anything

Not to be condescending but you are sort of judging game like a fish in a small pond, with online multiplayer and ranked 1v1 being the larger ocean.

If someone enjoys playing against the AI or against a single friend as a casual experience thats awesome, but AoE4 is pretty singularly developed (for better or worse) around the online multiplayer and online 1v1’s (quickplay or ranked). If you are looking to play against AI or against your brother than i think other RTS would be better, Planetary Annihilation is an awesomely casual RTS that might suit your preferred gameplay better.

Your cataphracts point is sort of moot as thats not really how the basically anyone who plays online multiplayer plays the game, people dont just wait around and let the opponent build 100 cataphracts with max upgrades and charge their units straight into them.

Once again I am not trying to be condescending, if you and your friends have fun playing the way you do thats fantastic. But you need to understand that what people consider the “real game” is playing online multiplayer against other people in 1v1s or team games, the AI is basically a joke and not really something to play against seriously. “Improving the fun” isnt something you can really judge since you are essentially playing a different game than anyone else, especially on a dedicated forum like this sub.

Like I said, check out Planetary Annihilation - that might be more your preferred gameplay - its a super fun casual game with friends.

Ill literally upvote anything that doesnt give the user a lung full of carcinogens or glass at this point

eh cant say i agree but glad to see people having fun. I definitely prefer HSR more (so far!!) but its just a personal preference; part of the genius of generating a gazzilion dollars and making multiple games like Hoyo does is that they can capture all sorts of different players.

Anime inspired dubstep isnt really a genre - but here are some things that might tickle your brain a bit



was release HSR unpolished? From memory HSR was pretty exceptionally great on release i dont remember any major issues or bugs

I tried the game for a bit and really likes the characters and animations but overall prefer WuWas combat and HSR as a whole (especially its writing). I’ll continue to check it out though I just dont think i want to balance 3 different gachas lol

more polished than HSR? thats pretty impressive

imo 3 is the clear winner, the first two red looks are nice. The fit with the blue shirt is something my nana would love to see you in at church but i wouldnt wear it anywhere else.

Monkey in Space

I don’t disagree with your perspective of the long term future but 5-10 is insanely too short.

thats not even rng dude lol just make sure your characters and weapons are leveled and you should be plenty fine dont even need relics beyond 15 tbh

20-30 rolls is genuinely nothing when it comes to gear rolling, is this your first gacha?

not trying to be condescending but expecting double crit stats or just great gear in general barely a month into launch of a gacha is nuts lol. the fact that we can infinitely farm them with no time gate is extremely generous

r/ wuthering waves leaks subs

we dont have much info beyond their names and sfx

personally i would go For the 85% cr. CDmg is worth 0 if you arent actually critting.

If you want a good rule of thumb; crit value (CV) formula is

CV = (CR * 2) + CDMG


1) (63.7*2) + 272 = 399.4

2) (85*2) + 228 = 398.0

so technically the 1st one is marginally better but personally I would take the 2nd one to be more consistent. I always aim for a 70-80% CR before trading any cr for cdmg

This sub loves posts with blatantly incorrect/misinformed information that support a certain agenda lol

as a new player as well… learn a build order for your civ (i recommend anything by valdemar as his videos are very clear) and practice getting to feudal by following the build order. By practice I mean start an AI game, get to feudal, and then restart. Once you have that down and feel comfortable start playing the feudal stage, producing units and whatnot. Use this time to get used to hotkeys (valdemar also has a video on this lol), mainly for your town center, military production, and control groups.

There is alot to learn and it is very overwhelming but if you like learning and stick with it I promise (at least for me) it is such an extremely rewarding experience. I started in March and after about 70 games of quickplay I jumped into ranked and Im currently sitting at a 54% wr in gold 3. I say this just to make the point that while yes it is daunting and hard, progress is absolutely achievable and worth it if you find it enjoyable.