That's impressive, I really like it! 

Wanted to do a fun list for my next gameArmy list thing (AoS)

Hello, I wanted to try something, I've heard about spam list and wanted to try something simple after my first tournament last week.

What do you think? Would you change something? I do not know if it's optimal I just want to have fun with big beast and some shooting.

``` * Army Faction: Skaven * Grand Strategy: Overshadow * Triumph: Inspired

LEADERS Warlock Bombardier (90) * General * Command Traits: Deranged Inventor * Artefacts of Power: The Brass Orb * Spells: More-more-more Warp Power! Grey Seer (110)

BATTLELINE Clanrats (100) * Clanrat Bell-ringer * Clanrat Standard Bearer * Rusty Blade

Clanrats (100) * Clanrat Bell-ringer * Clanrat Standard Bearer * Rusty Blade

Stormfiends (930) * Windlaunchers and Clubbing Blows * Ratling Cannons and Clubbing Blows * Shock Gauntlets and Warpstone-laced Armour * 2 x Warpfire Projectors and Clubbing Blows * 2 x Grinderfists * 2 x Doomflayer Gauntlets and Warpstone-laced Armour

BEHEMOTH Hell Pit Abomination (180) Hell Pit Abomination (180) Hell Pit Abomination (180)

ENDLESS SPELLS & INVOCATIONS 1 x Warp Lightning Vortex (80) 1 x Vermintide (30)

TERRAIN 1 x Gnawhole (0)

TOTAL POINTS: 1980/2000 Created with Warhammer Age of Sigmar: The App ```

Orange is my favourite colour and I love this piece, good contrasts with the black and white 

Vexx and i-ninja on ps2, I was not obsessed as I've never finished them but I liked them and I haven't seen a lot of people talking about it 

I7 6700k / GTX1080 / 32Go / 144hz

Thanks for the giveaway! Not using a custom one but I'm a fan of my ducky one V2 for now 

Any advices on Towers in the Tundra scenario against Stomrcast ?

Hello, big game tomorrow, first time playing against SCE for me, he has some Dragon and comete and I just looking his warscrolls he seems to have very lethal units with big hitpoints.

The game will be on Towers in the Tundra scenario, I've played it once, I think of putting skabbik in deployement of 13" with a menace like the hellpit abomination and blizzard on a grey seer, and everything on the other side of the table (warbringer, 15 PCB and Thanquol). Two units of clanrats for screen in front on these of course.

He has some shooting at 12", I don't think of waiting him as any good but I'm not sure of what to do after that first turn I might have.

Is there some tips and tricks about this scenario? For exemple where to put the Gnawhole?

I thought of a traditional positionnement of 1 in the middle of my deployement zone, and the others 2 in the middle roughly between my zone and his, and I will chose the one in the middle entirely in my zone to be my Tower.

Im a new player and try harded since a few months so any advices is great!

Thank you by advance

:HornedOne: Horned Rat

In v3 the abomination was a good piece to play so I would say go for it :) 

:HornedOne: Horned Rat

To me you are right.

The spell give an example with a 2 roll, it give - 2 rend. So with a roll of 3 you have - 3.

I7 6700k / GTX1080 / 32Go / 144hz

Giant mousepad the size of the entire desk is the wildest thing 

Isn't Acetone good to remove paint or glue? I don't remember, but to me to make sprue goo you need to use a plastic glue, a famous one is Tamiya extra thin cement

:HornedOne: Horned Rat

In the video of the announcement of the v4, there is some sort of gatling gun on a chariot and it had some shell casings if I remember well

:HornedOne: Horned Rat

How much time did you spent the last 6 weeks to get through all of that with that level of quality?

I can't seem to have enough time and I clearly don't work as fast! 

Painted a few Minis

Thanks for the feedback

Painted a few Minis

Thank you, that seems a good solution for my use.

Question about a spray booth for airbrushingWorkspace

Hello everyone, I want to invest into a spray booth since I am airbrushing inside an appartement (and I don't want to die).

The problem is, my window is far across the room, and she open in the wrong way for all my setup of airbrushing.

I've found some good advices on the wiki, but the article and everyone else is using a spray booth with a hose whom you want to connect to a window to exhaust fumes outside.

Is there alternative to drain the fumes inside a filter and keep it here, and then after some time I can just change the filter, so I can not worry about a long hose?

Thanks by advance

:HornedOne: Horned Rat

I think red and copper are too similar colors so it will be difficult to distinguish clothing and armor.

I am no expert at all so look on internet others sources, but maybe a light blue clothing might go well with copper.

Or you can do your second idea but do either with Green or Red for the clothings / eyes, it will work both great.

:HornedOne: Horned Rat

I did partially this and I had so much trouble adjusting the arm with the spear I forfeit and glued it.. Congratulations to had stuck with magnets til the end. 

In ratchet and clank 1 on ps2, there is a lot of humor who made me laugh during the cutscenes.

For exemple the one who introduce me to the level Metropolis is a small add for a repair shop. I'm French so it hit me with nostalgia when I see it in French (my preferred version), but here it is in English, timestamp 6:49

The game is full of humor like that, the series has many games and the ps2 one are on top, the games on PS3 are more serious, and the last one (ps4/ps5) are not funny at all to me, they are more "for kid" and had no hidden sense in their dialogues.

:HornedOne: Horned Rat

Félicitations :) 

Painted a few Minis

I prefer to use dark brown as black, on parchment i prefer these colors.

Otherwise, what the others has said 

:HornedOne: Horned Rat

Look for Vince venturella skaven clanrats tutorial :) 

:HornedOne: Horned Rat

Thank you for your answer. 

Why do you think 2/2 is great? In term of pure stat with the feedback of others, I read that it's not very effective for both case, melee and distance. 

After réflexion last night I think I will go for full melee, as my list focus more on that, dreaded death frenzy, pcb, etc, can be good with melee. 

And the abomination should go clean the horde army, and maybe the pcb aswell. 

:HornedOne: Horned Rat


It seems to me that 2/2 was not a great load out, as mixed yet not effective enough for both case.