You're far more forgiving than me.

My liege murdered my son and I embarked on a rage-fueled campaign of genocide against his house. Capture, tortured, and beheaded him, wiped out his family, destroyed his title, and I'm still not satisfied.

I think it's more likely that results from the Night King's ability to control the dead.

I was fortunate enough to have never had bullies. But the guy who gained a rep for bullying students at my secondary school is dead. He tried to kidnap a minor, was pursued by police, and killed himself rather than get caught. The child was safe.

It's liberating in a lot of ways. I learned to be true to myself and to love who I am. Plus it also created many terrific opportunities to openly experiment in my kitchen.

-- Armie Hammer (maybe)

A little over $8 billion at last count, but it fluctuates all the time.

As an interesting aside, Kit Harington's ancestor, Robert Catesby, tried to blow up Parliament and Kit played him in TV series.

I prefer single life and the freedom it brings since I move around a lot. Sex is covered by NSA hookups.

The right answer is a combination of British stubborness, American industrial might, and Soviet corpses.

It's the mechanics. As in, there are more consequential ones.

I don't think it's meat-puppet-ing an elf. When it emerged from the knife, it took on the form of an elf, so I think it's some sort of glamour.

This is adorable. Buy your mum another chocolate bar and throw in a few more big hugs, OP.


I'm a big-dicked, tall Asian gay guy who drives decently, enjoys hunting (never for trophies) and gun culture, votes centre left, and can two-fist dairy without paying for it on the toilet. How many points is that? Is it a bingo?

Peter Thiel.

Being gay is a sliver of what makes him a person. The rest of him is godawful.

Adele is one of the very few celebrities I might genuinely like as a person based on her every day interactions with people.

He's done nothing of note.

On the other hand, if the electorate actually understood what municipal governments are allowed to do according to the BC Community Charter, maybe they wouldn't have fallen for his empty promises. Tall order though. People like to complain about nothing being done when they vote for people who claim they can move mountains when, surprise, they can't.

And what Council can do to tackle stuff like downtown safety, they can't or won't because their efforts will invariably get shouted down by interest groups or cost a lot of money or are grossly mishandled.

See "Safe Streets Bylaw".

That's like having the Devil cheer you on. 

"Way to go, guys. Can I get a 'Hail Satan'?"

I watched the full interview and Gaten goes on to say the woman doubled down and remarked she knows there's an age difference. Then her daughter said, "Mom. What the fuck?"

Dany's descent into madness made no sense to me. Sure, we knew from earlier seasons she was quick to resort to "fire and blood" to get rid of her enemies. However, she was also merciful to ordinary people.

If the last two seasons weren't so rushed, the series might've explored Dany slowly going mad from paranoia. A steady, but slow telegraph of the outcome is preferable to a sudden, surprise twist that's so unlike the character.

Annual salary from my day job is $248K CDN before taxes and other deductions. Does not include benefits and I don't get bonuses.

I'm a government communications director.

As far as I'm concerned, no thanks.

They didn't do enough with her character in the series. She was just another one of Mando's sidekicks. Compared to Cobb Vanth and Mayfield, Cara was barely memorable.

Lucy Lawless is mentioned in this thread. Bring her in as a new character.

As a gay muscle bear on dating apps? Plenty. Assuming you stretch the definition of "compliment" to include woofs and taps and unsolicited dick pics.

In real life though, I get some now and then. Mostly from guys and a few from women.

The warden mobs in Neltharus have a melee attack that hits VERY hard and can potentially one-shot you if you have your back turned (especially on Fortified week). Even with one warden in a pack, you'll need to make sure you're standing in Consecration with decent Shield of the Righteous uptime.

In general, rotate between Ardent Defender and Eye of Tyr to smooth out damage. Don't use them reactively. Use your CDs proactively (e.g. before an attack chunks you for 80 per cent of your health).

EDIT: Also, the tank's in control of the run. Don't feel pressured to pull big groups if the healer and/or DPS can't pull the numbers needed to kill the mobs/keep you alive before they kill you.

Every character close-up was a visual treat because of the incredible and absurb details put into the costumes.

Mostly long term health benefits. 

But also because finding a boyfriend or hookups is easier when I don't look like a mound of lumpy mashed potatoes.