Did anyone get it's number plate?

Bonn died of acute alcohol poisoning. He didn't vomit, the level of alcohol in his blood simply stopped him breathing.

They should only bring USD then they can enjoy the local horrifying tourist targeting exchange rates in full.

You were only supposed to rip the bloody door off!

They are often the same people who think as we left the EU that we are no longer part of the continent of Europe.

Was there really a silence for fallen soldiers or is this just your standard couple of Aussie blokes having a frank exchange of opinions?

Theres a chipmunk in ma hair what ama gonna do? There's a chipmunk in ma hair what ama gonna do?

It's the fact that booooots couldn't sound more Spanish 🤣

If by touched you mean poked, then yes.

If he's dead then surely you should be screaming "SEND A GODAM HEARSE!!"

Yeah that's going to have to be incredibly dense at that size. To be honest a 20-25 kg ball of that size would be incredibly difficult to manipulate the way he does in this video and would be bloody impressive.

They are also filling the potholes round my way.... It's almost as if there's an election looming

If you are part of organised crime family.... Don't fall for this

Christ they're young. Good luck though.

The lion equivalent of a cat opening it's open can of tuna

This is it boys!! This is what we've been training for!!

It was the simultaneous "SO" that got me

Amazon will be selling Chinese Knock offs for a fraction of the price. That's the problem with simple ideas, they are easy to copy

His poor girlfriend, he's in danger of rubbing it off.....