Low Influence Run - Kotor 2KOTOR 2

Hi all!

Like many others, I love KOTOR and KOTOR 2 (with the restored content mod), and I’ve played both games dozens of times in the last 15 years. For KOTOR 2, I consider myself pretty knowledgeable in gaining influence with party members… Every game I’ve played I max all companions influence.

However, what I have never done is a Low influence run where every party member has an influence of 0. I’ve done it with Atton before to get the disciple and Atton cutscene, but apart from that a low influence run is totally new to me. As a huge KOTOR 2 nerd, I think it’s a great challenge for my next playthrough.

My question is, has anyone ever done a 0 influence run for ALL companions before, and if so, how did you find it? Is it even possible? I know characters like Handmaiden and Mandalore would probably be very hard to get to 0, especially as mandalore pretty much gains most of his influence via killing.

Any hidden or hard to find influence losses I should consider?

Thanks guys!

PS - should note that I want to do this as a run where all the masters are saved (I am not picky about gaining or losing LS/DS points as gaining mastery isn’t too hard I think).


Tatooine! It’s the perfect size, open space, sunny, easy to traverse without pulling heaps of mobs… it’s the only planet I hang around and do the bonus series on every alt (and do all the exploration missions). Voss is a close second, and Alderaan 3rd (just way to big to explore the entire map).

I’ve been dealing with pelvic pains, Burning urination, urge, frequency, painful sitting for 7.5 months so I totally understand how you feel (I’m male too). Nobody understands what this is like until they’ve experienced it. Had about 10 tests all come back clear… really hope we can get through this!

Moved to Auckland from Christchurch about a year ago… climate is way better (warmer summers, milder winters), lots more to do and experience, heaps more job opportunities etc… the world is full of whiners, sometimes people dunno how good they got it!

Unpopular opinion here, but if you want a masters I’d say do it… speaking from experience, doing a masters is worthwhile if you do it for the right reasons. For me, it was to prove that I could do it and to also open some doors later on if I ever wanted to go into academia. Plus, if you pick a thesis topic you’re interested in a masters is a lot of fun (just a lot of work etc).

This is what I wondered… I actually really enjoyed FAR as it was nearly all numbers and highly predictable, whereas I know from my uni days that Audit is anything but predictable and there’s always a question involving stuff you didn’t expect

I’m from a tax background so really would like to gauge AR against FAR and BP/RT. Is the workload as intense as FAR? I got a decent mark on FAR but haven’t done anything audit in about 3 years

CA - Audit and Risk

Hi all,

Quick question - how does AR compare in terms of difficulty and content amount to the likes of FAR, TAX, and BP?

I did FAR in Term 2 and found the difficulty ok, just a lot to learn. Definitely had to be dedicated.

Interested to know your thoughts.

Thanks guys!

The end of Alderaan is also the same for both factions.

I think FAR divides people, those who do well do VERY well and those who struggle find it very hard.

You’re totally allowed to feel this way and anyone who says otherwise either is ignorant or not good at understand the mental toll this takes on your life.

I’m on my 7th month of having this and like you I feel like I’ve tried so many things and got nowhere. My specialist thinks it’s the urethra causing my pain as urodynamics, cystoscope, renal scans etc, and uti tests all negative. It’s hard because realistically only the very invasive things work to fix this (apart from pelvic floor therapy) and it takes all of our control away. I’ve followed a strict diet and whilst it reduces some symptoms it’s still hell to live with every day… barely leave the house etc. I totally get how you feel and you are allowed to be angry!!!

I just hope that either a miracle cure is found or the body just magically fixes itself, even just by 50%… hang in there!

Btw… have you tried a semi-low dose of steroids? This is what my specialist has recommended for me (yet to try) but a lot of academic journals say they work wonders for inflammation, particularly in the urethra which is where a lot of the urge to urinate stems from.

Go to the cinema or go for a nice walk… then 30 mins before the exam a quick skim of your notes but do as little as possible

And for what it’s worth, I really enjoyed FAR as it’s mostly numbers. Do all the readings and practice questions and you’ll be sweet 😁

Around 75% I think, Merit cutoff was 92%

Sage/Sorcerer I find is the easiest. Marauder/sentinel is the most fun but much more difficult as you’re in close combat

My only issue with alderaan is the size, same with hoth.

Tatooine is easily my favourite… what makes you dislike it? I can understand Hoth and Corellia.

I love Voss! My 3rd fave after Tatooine and Alderaan


Took me about 9-10 weeks to get my thesis grade back last year (submitted August, grade released October). Overall it’s very vague, you get a grade (A+,A,A- etc), told you got distinction etc overall for your masters, and get a copy of each of the examiners reports (but no grade or percentage from either examiner, just an overall one). All I can remember is my examiners disagreed a lot! Got a list of potential improvements, list of things done well, and overall comments. Good luck, all the hard work will pay off 😊

As someone from a poor-ish background I can relate to your want to explore and travel etc. People from rich families have no idea what it’s like to go without as a child.

Having said this, you know what it’s like to go without so why put yourself willingly in a potentially worse financial position going forward? CA opens many doors and provides options you won’t get without CA.

I started my CA at 26 and it is much easier to do it when you are young as you are already in study mode and have less responsibilities.

Plus there are breaks between modules, T2 and T3 have about 7 weeks between them so that’s plenty of time to travel. Honestly, just do it! Plenty of time to travel once you’re done

The worked examples are good to have printed etc or elsewhere but my template journals/calculations are what saved me the most time in the exam. Excel works good too I just prefer word. Excel would also calculate things for you so could actually be more efficient if you set the formulas properly

If you are working no… FAR is the most intensive subject so do it on its own. I wouldn’t do any core subjects together and only RT/BP would be easy enough to do with another elective?

I thought the FAR exam was pretty straight forward if I’m honest, nearly all the questions were similar to another question in a practice exams or worked examples.

Main tip is to have template answers for each topic, and have each possible variety of templates too. For example, they’ll ask you to do extracts of BS, P&L or Cash statement, so have these in your file for each topic and all the headings. This helped me big time as then all I had to do is change the numbers from my template to the journal I’d done in the exam.

Have journals listed with narrations, any possible combination too… I found it best to have a separate word doc for each topic rather than 1 big file. Don’t crowd your critical file with heaps of words, the journals and calculation templates are what are most important. Consolidations make sure you have templates for calculating goodwill and know how to calculate unrealised profit for the journals.

The spot the errors question will be random so all you can do is study the topics well enough to know that’s wrong with the scenario. In my exam it was 10 marks on financial instruments and the errors were that the interest journal used the wrong interest rate for amortised cost, that there was a journal missing for OCI and that the transaction costs were added rather than subtracted for FVTPL (for example, the other 2 I’ve forgotten). Each of these things aren’t obvious unless you’ve done the practice questions and have good diagrams.

For Financial instruments, set out what the requirements are for something to be Amortised cost, FVTOCI, and FVTPL. This helped me too.

Leases have the lease liability/ ROU asset calculation for both lease in arrears and advance, and also important when the lease is paid in separate period (this was in my exam and many got it wrong).

Templates will be your saviour, be organised and you can’t go wrong