If nobody else is gonna say it, I will..

Diggin the Stone Cold shirt! Lol

Man, Sean Taylor was a real one! You don’t see that kind of intensity in pro bowls anymore…

RIP, truly tragic thinking what could’ve been..!

Slow down on the typing there sir lol

Where tf did this list come from?! Aside from 1 and 4 every other movie needs to be removed and not even mentioned in the same breath as the aforementioned classics!

Nope, I need that sweaty post workout pic lol!

This is the funniest shit I’ve seen in a long time..!!

Anyone else do the 😳😳 like I did when she said that??

Yea this list needs work..! Nothing from No Ceilings, which is arguably his best mixtape is crazy to me..

Come back to my yard…! Now that you’re here, you’re trespassing!

Nice pj’s guy…..

Because there are so many other great albums… But I would almost agree, Rebirth is a great album that I can play all the way thru without skipping a song!

The title has me a bit confused, I even said it out loud a couple times….

Ohhhhh, I get it…!! His “boo” cause she looks like a ghost..! 🤯😱💀

Just keep doin what ur doin, it’s working! I would say more importantly, the fastest way to see results with fat loss is gonna be done in the kitchen..

Yup, need the scene on that one..!

I was in the same boat, lifting for years and couldn’t seem to see any noticeable difference..! My mindset was always simple tho, if I get discouraged and quit I’ll definitely never reach my goal.. But I chose to just keep chipping away, slowly but surely adding weights when I could and now I’m at the 170 I was aiming for over 4 years ago! But like everyone else said already, you look great, keep climbing that mountain! 💪😎

For a while I thought it was the same guy just goin ham on his big ass house…! 😂🤦‍♂️