I say this every time we are baking or roasting potatoes for dinner. I feel sorry for my family šŸ˜‚

All the statistics I took in undergrad felt too much like discrete mathematics. Give me abstract algebra and calculus all day long. I love that stuff. I never was a fan of my statistics courses. But now I wish I had just suffered through it.

I want to believe this so bad. I do. But so many of our clients want to talk to PEOPLE. And they need so much hand holding. I struggle to see how AI can do this.

Same! Itā€™s crazy how little math I use in accounting! I was always drawn to continuous math, as opposed to discrete. Looking back, I wish I had focused on discrete, in particular statistics. If I could go back Iā€™d love to have studied statistics and data analytics.

I need a Spotify playlist of all these suggestions. Iā€™m too lazy to make one myself. Iā€™m camping in Michiganā€™s upper peninsula and all I have the motivation to do is drink by the fire and scroll through reddit.

I had to scroll way too far for this comment! Swedish fish were my favorite!

This is me too! I tried letting it go during the pandemic, but it just looked dirty. I have cherry cola colored hair naturally, and the grey/silver coming in doesnā€™t blend well with the reddish brown. I think when Iā€™m more than 50% gray Iā€™ll try letting it grow out again.

I always had aphids ruin my lettuce in my garden. But two years ago I suddenly had an influx of paper wasps. They would be all over my garden. They never bothered me and I havenā€™t seen a single aphid since they have moved in.

Pen and paper. Paper maps. Bandaids. And some kind of fidget toy.

I planted Bee Balm in pots this year to attract the hummingbirds and Iā€™m obsessed with their scent.

I have two serviceberry trees - and I just love them! Flowers smell heavenly, the berries are delicious (and attract the waxwings!), and the fall color is glorious.

This is what I want to know too! I want more details on the reported sighting. Iā€™d have to think that whoever reported it must have seen it out of the water to be so certain of what they saw.

Driving through a car wash. I canā€™t do it. Freaks me out.

When I was a kid, I went to Kmart with my mom and my sister. I stole a mannequin finger (to be fair, it had fallen off the mannequin and I found it on the floor). I hid it in my pocket until we walked out to the car. As we were getting in the car I pretended to slam the car door on my hand and dropped the mannequin finger like I had severed my finger. My sister screamed like you would not believe.

I was like in 2nd grade when i did this, literally decades ago, but she STILL won't let me forget I did this.

Iā€™m not sure where you are located, but my local library loans out a cricut. Check your local library to see what craft items they have available to loan!

I canā€™t speak for anyone else here, but I think age has a lot to do with it. The older I get, the less time Iā€™m will to devote to ā€œwaiting something out.ā€ My time is a valuable resource, and Iā€™m just not willing to squander it.

Paper maps! I always have paper maps in my car, and my family makes fun of me (especially the kids). You never know when your technology is gonna fail you, and I just feel better having those maps in the glove box.

I have more Tek Gear workout clothes than any other brand. They sell a tunic top that I swear by! If you are tall like me, itā€™s so hard to find a top that actual comes down past your midriff. Tek Gear also makes my favorite running tights.