Finance Minor?

Hi, I'm majoring in computer science and I decided that I would also like to minor in something, and finance stood out to me. It seems really interesting to me and I could see myself enjoying it. So I guess my question is, is a finance minor worth it, or should I look into a different minor like economics or business administration to go with my CS major?

Deciding on trails to do, any input?

Hi, in early August, my family and I are going to GNP. We are trying to figure out what hikes we want to do but were really indecisive. We are staying 3 days in West Glacier and 2 days in Many Glacier. We don't know if the amount of hikes were doing is a lot or too much mileage but we are a very active and fit family. We have a decent amount of experience as we have done hikes in Yosemite, Zion, Grand Tetons, Grand Canyon, and more.

Currently, we have chosen these trails.

Day 1: Avalanche Lake trail + Trail of the cedars, ~7m,

Day 2: The loop and Garden Wall Trail, 13.2m, (essentially Highline trail with a few add-ons)

Day 3: Hidden Lake Trail and/or Mount Oberlin Trail, 8.8m,

Day 4: Swiftcurrent Mountian via Swiftcurrent Pass Trail, 16.6m,

Day 5: Grinell Glacier and Wing Lookout via Grinell Glacier Trail, 13.3m,

We feel that this would cover a lot of GNP and give us a good experience there, but there are other trails like Staton Mountain, Mount Siyeh Climbing Route, and Apikuni Mountain we thought looked fun and challenging. Do all of you that have been to GNP think this will give us a good experience, or would you change something?

Trying to figure out what trails to do

Hi, in early August, my family and I are going to GNP. We are trying to figure out what hikes we want to do but were really indecisive. We are staying 3 days in West Glacier and 2 days in Many Glacier. We don't know if the amount of hikes were doing is a lot or too much mileage but we are a very active and fit family. We have a decent amount of experience as we have done hikes in Yosemite, Zion, Grand Tetons, Grand Canyon, and more.

Currently, we have chosen these trails.

Day 1: Avalanche Lake trail + Trail of the cedars, ~7m,

Day 2: The loop and Garden Wall Trail, 13.2m, (essentially Highline trail with a few add-ons)

Day 3: Hidden Lake Trail and/or Mount Oberlin Trail, 8.8m,

Day 4: Swiftcurrent Mountian via Swiftcurrent Pass Trail, 16.6m,

Day 5: Grinell Glacier and Wing Lookout via Grinell Glacier Trail, 13.3m,

We feel that this would cover a lot of GNP and give us a good experience there, but there are other trails like Staton Mountain, Mount Siyeh Climbing Route, and Apikuni Mountain we thought looked fun and challenging. Do all of you that have been to GNP think this will give us a good experience, or would you change something?

Hello everyone, Ive recently been increasing my training intensity for this outdoor traack season with harder workouts and increasing mileage. Though, over the past few days I've been struggling with feeling really exhuasted. For instance I had a 1000m repeat workout the other day and the target was 2:50-2:55 per K but my body just simply would not let me move that fast. I dont understand why I could be feeling this way becuase I prioritize getting a lot of sleep, like 10 hours a day, and I eat very healthy. This has also never really happened in my running career to this point, I felt bad for a day or two, but I've been feeling bad for like 5 days. If anyone can help, that would be greatly appreciated.

Hello everyone, Ive recently been increasing my training intensity for this outdoor traack season with harder workouts and increasing mileage. Though, over the past few days I've been struggling with feeling really exhuasted. For instance I had a 1000m repeat workout the other day and the target was 2:50-2:55 per K but my body just simply would not let me move that fast. I dont understand why I could be feeling this way becuase I prioritize getting a lot of sleep, like 10 hours a day, and I eat very healthy. This has also never really happened in my running career to this point, I felt bad for a day or two, but I've been feeling bad for like 5 days. If anyone can help, that would be greatly appreciated.

I’m definitely not that fastest. I have other juniors as seniors on my team that are faster. I am the #5 runner.

I'm a 15 year old highschooler and I have a 1600 of 4:36 and 800 of 2:06 during this indoor season. Lately in training, I've been having a hard time staying mentally strong during workouts and races. Recently I did a workout and got to the last few reps and just died. Got weak and gave up, so I came here for all of the advice you have to give on how to improve upon this.